Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At secondary level , where provision in the colonial period was extremely limited , the expansion has been even more spectacular , with the number of schools increasing from 177 to 1,502 and the number of pupils by 950 per cent .
2 The final emancipation of the hand from locomotion and its refined dexterity in handling small objects presented the evolving ego with its greatest opportunity and with its greatest challenge where direction of the manual musculature was concerned .
3 More complicated was the situation at Queen 's , where designs for the front quad were prepared by Hawksmoor , but the scheme executed by Townesend ( 1710–21 ) appears to have been almost entirely the joint work of himself and Clarke ; while for the new building at Magdalen , the original design by Edward Holdsworth [ q.v. ] was revised by Townesend in 1731 under Clarke 's direction .
4 a. investigate and report on references that relate to the existence of a monopoly situation , ie where 25% of a particular market is supplied by one supplier or supply group ;
5 Where data for a particular zone are not available the code -1 is used . … )
6 Where loss of a pecuniary nature is inferred or proved , the plaintiff may also recover damages for non-pecuniary losses such as injured feelings .
7 The nearest thing to The Beatles now lives in a modest flat near Brighton .
8 But particularly in a public sector context , where appeals to the public interest could be assumed to be more common , profound questions remain which can not be resolved by terse definitions .
9 It was also a vital information centre , where spies mingled with oilmen , where officials of the local security forces met heir hookers , and where the waiters brought valuable intelligence every morning from their homes in the rabbit warrens in the ghettos and barrios where few diplomats or reporters dared go .
10 For example , where disrupters of a public meeting are themselves behaving unreasonably , and possibly illegally , there should be some sort of obligation to proceed first against the disrupters rather than the speakers , if that can be done .
11 However , such risks could be taken only with very exact knowledge of the shore — where changes of the undersea bed are highly variable in comparison with the unchanging contours ashore .
12 Often the resource is money , which allows the school staff to develop the curriculum in ways which would be impossible where capitation from the local authority is the only source of income .
13 Where receivables in a particular currency are sufficiently large , an exporter could consider using a Currency Option to hedge an exposure .
14 Where contact with the organized public is necessary or unavoidable , steps are taken to retain the organizational initiative in the hands of the governmental authorities as far as possible , and to associate with people of like attitude rather than with those who are considered to be ‘ uncooperative ’ , ‘ militant ’ , ‘ extremist ’ for example .
15 Where enforcement in a sanctioning system is occasionally dramatic , securing compliance with regulation has little potential for drama .
16 Where islands beyond the northern limit of pack ice ( for example South Georgia ) have a rich intertidal flora and fauna , and are ringed by beds of giant kelp Macrocystis gigantea with strands 20–30 m long , those within the pack ice zone have a relatively bare shoreline and restricted sublittoral flora .
17 By the end of January US forces still remained stationed near the Cuban and Peruvian embassies ( where members of the deposed regime and their families , including Noriega 's wife and daughters , were still taking refuge ) and were stopping and searching vehicles leaving diplomatic premises .
18 Housing , transport and locational problems were clearly of great magnitude , the greatest pressures of land shortage being felt on the periphery , where encroachments into the green belt were likely to be strongly resisted .
19 This may be done in a rigid way , as in setting or streaming , where allocation to a different group occurs infrequently , as in Example E. By contrast , there may be flexible groupings for particular activities within the classroom .
20 The 1976 DoE circular on the safeguarding of agricultural land defined the general policy as being ‘ to ensure that , as far as possible , land of a higher agricultural quality is not taken for development where land of a lower quality is available , and that the amount of land taken should be no greater than is reasonably required for carrying out the development in accordance with proper standards ’ .
21 Now to either hand was heather , at this season still dark and flowerless , except where patches of the early bell heather splashed their vivid purple across grey rock .
22 The important point is this : is the use of an overseas company like Sterling ( where inquiries about the real ownership of shareholdings in threatened companies are met with a polite but firm snub ) acceptable within a legalframework trying to ensure fair play ?
23 It is thought that where acquisition of the outgoing partner 's share is subject to the option procedure , the consent of the court is required where the exercise of the option by the continuing partners has to be made ( if at all ) between presentation of the bankruptcy petition and vesting of the insolvent 's estate in the trustee since it involves a disposition of the partnership share of the insolvent partnersee s284 of the Insolvency Act 1986 .
24 It is interesting that a fairly ad-hoc method of transformation ( Test 5 ) is in most respects more successful than division by a prime number .
25 Where the Auditors and Purchaser 's Accountants disagree as to the valuation of an item and , where the disputed element of the valuation is less than £1,000 for an individual item , or the aggregate value of all disputed elements of valuation within fixed assets are less than £3,000 both parties shall agree to accept the Auditors ' valuation .
26 Heart [ leb ] here signifies the seat of thought , not emotion , so is more akin to ‘ mind ’ ; hence , to labour the analogy somewhat , law is written into identity and consciousness rather than heart in the modern sense .
27 Clearly , we have made great progress in bringing inflation under control and we shall soon have a lower rate of inflation than Germany for the first time in a generation .
28 Well , in the beginning the price for a game was very high ( more than £40 for a simple game like Frogger on the Atari console ) .
29 The report looked specifically at the cluster of cases around Dounreay and concluded that they were most likely to have been caused by oil workers rather than emissions from the nuclear plant .
30 We may guess that a pipe flow with an artificially induced parabolic profile at the entry could remain laminar to even higher Reynolds numbers than flows with a normal entry length .
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