Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [verb] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The exit to the roof was on the other side of floor 5 so Ralph went back through the door into the large room .
2 You 'll have to save it till Paul comes back for the car .
3 From that moment David took absolute control and while Rachel crawled back into the space and fitted the collar , immobilising Len as much as possible , he administered a pethidine injection , all the time talking and trying to reassure the patient .
4 It was after Vincent went back to The Hague to collect some belongings that his correspondence with his brother became really acrimonious .
5 The call from Scotland Yard came through half an hour after Wexford got back to the station .
6 The bottle was in his hand when Nicandra came back from the kitchen .
7 Jimmy was able to stand unassisted now as Cardiff turned back to the girl .
8 When Alison stepped back into the bedroom the slight drop in temperature immediately sought out the damp patches on her back and shoulders that she 'd missed with the towel .
9 As crowds headed back into the West End after a 1,000lb IRA bomb was defused , the Met 's Commissioner-in-waiting Paul Condon said normal daily life must go on .
10 Kolchinsky was waiting in the foyer when Whitlock got back to the hotel .
11 When Sarah got back to the attic bedroom in Newcastle Place the first thing she did was open the window , letting in damp , wintry air .
12 When Ben came back to the table he placed the fork with great ceremony to the side of Millie 's plate , saying , ‘ There you are , madam .
13 As Alcuin looked back from the high days of his own collaboration with Charlemagne , which also involved his many pupils who became bishops and abbots , he obviously saw a model of this relationship at the York of his younger days , when Eadbert ruled Northumbria while his brother Egbert was archbishop of York and built up the cathedral library .
14 When Tallis looked back at the leader he was slowly sitting up , reaching for his sword .
15 The girl looked up as Ebert came back into the hold , her eyes wide , filled with fear .
16 When engineers go back to the drawing board and create a new design , they do not necessarily throw away the ideas from the old design .
17 When Nara came back with the milk , the calf had collapsed , exhausted .
18 Laura was still roughly chastising herself , and attempting to ignore the hard knot of unsatisfied desire still gripping her body , when Ross came back into the room .
19 Her teeth stopped chattering , and when Matthew came back with the tea and the whisky , he remarked that the colour had come back into her face .
20 Sophie heaved a long sigh , then looked up as Helen came back to the table , her face drawn and anxious .
21 When Ludovico came back to the apartment with food for lunch and found her stripped to the waist , washing herself in the cracked kitchen sink , he immediately started making love to her , pushing her back until the taps dug into her .
22 When Fred came back to the table , the two old friends suddenly fused and started to laugh , while Daisy had to wait upon them as their natural audience .
23 As Carrie limped back to the house beside Seb , she said , ‘ You 'll need to watch yourself , Seb .
24 When Ace arrived back at the hospital with Petion- and the Doctor , she found Howard talking animatedly , but not entirely cheerfully , to a hawk-faced man in Marine uniform and what she thought of as a Smokey-bear hat .
25 As Cameron turned back to the mill , he saw a small coach coming along the Grandtully road with a pair of deerhounds loping at its wheels and a man on horseback behind it dressed in an expensive tweed cloak .
26 As Adam looked back through the split in the gates , he saw Curly Top , saw the evil hatred in his eyes .
27 The daylight faded when Raghunath came back to the teacher tired and dripping .
28 As Bosnia pulls back from the brink of peace , we look at why the Bosnian Serbs rejected the Vance-Owen peace plan , at what the West might do next , and at the possibility now raised of a wider Balkan war
29 Tim climbed down the tree just as Pegs came back into the garden .
30 Then she forgot her tears as Jack came back into the room .
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