Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [verb] [adv] much [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is helpful if trainers have as much information as possible so that they can set the context for trainees at the time of the viewing .
2 Alabama filed a federal lawsuit to block the plan , saying development along its eastern border would suffer if Atlanta took so much water .
3 I would not be happy if Leeds spent that much money on him .
4 The criticisms have fallen into certain categories , one general line being that the service has failed to adopt modern methods of management , that it has been slow in understanding the use of statistical information and of specialized knowledge of the social services , and that it does not think ahead enough or organize its planning on a sufficiently systematic basis , in part because officials spend too much time on routine departmental work .
5 It is one of those cases in which there is no neutrality to be had , because neutrality needs as much justification as any other position .
6 They 'd seen each other every day since then ; sometimes , because of rehearsals and because Gesner had so much work to do , it was only for a drink at the Franz Joseph .
7 I toiled through Latin for a course requirement because meteorology had too much maths in it , and felt the conjugations sluicing out of my brain the instant the exam was over .
8 Whether badgers merit so much protection is a much-debated point among farmers in areas such as south-west England , where badgers are plentiful and do cause damage on farms .
9 North Adams mayor John Barrett , who chairs MASSMoCA 's Cultural Development Commission , interprets this as license to take as much time as he needs to find the additional funds .
10 I think a lot of commentators were surprised when Arsenal paid so much money for Ian but his phenomenal strike-rate for them is probably why transfer prices have gone through the roof .
11 There was a moment during the shooting of Midnight Cowboy when Dustin gave so much energy to the character 's cough that he fell down in the street vomiting .
12 When people spend so much time seeing each other behave so well , they tend to become a bit intolerant of others less perfect .
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