Example sentences of "[subord] [art] [noun] [verb] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Although the police did successfully charge fascists for this crime after 1936 the punishment was often derisory , and police interpretation of the law was often inconsistent .
2 An attack to the utmost — offensive a l'outrance — was to be made into Lorraine by the First and Second armies , while the Third and Fifth armies , on their left , would take the offensive north of Metz or , if the Germans did indeed come down through Belgium , strike them in flank .
3 The second is that even if the stockmarket does eventually rise by enough to persuade holders to exercise the warrants , issuers will have to plan and to some extent act as if it will not .
4 It does not lay an adequate foundation for a claim that , even if the solicitors did so advise , that was not advice which a competent solicitor could reasonably have given .
5 If the Christians do eventually deliver a true case of satanic child abuse — and , who knows , God forbid , they may , for satanists are real enough and a bit of copycat crime is surely due after all this publicity — it will be seen by many to validate all their arguments .
6 Thus , if the parties did actually turn their minds to the possibility that such things might happen ( e.g. that the goods might perish ) and provided in the contract for that eventuality , then the effect of the event occurring will be whatever is stated in their contract .
7 In this way , even if the pupil does finally reject the Church 's teaching , at least it will be on the basis of informed opinion rather than emotion , bias or misunderstanding .
8 If it were clear when a party has formed an intention to incur legal obligation , if a person did commonly define the obligation he desired to assume in terms which left little doubt as to its nature , it would be unnecessary , and indeed merely foolish , to require an additional test of that intention .
9 However the Americans are so helpful and flexible that if a starter does particularly take your fancy you are perfectly welcome to make a meal of that and nothing else .
10 Was it perhaps because the work did indeed look like typewriting ( by this time neither a highly paid nor a highly regarded occupation and mostly done by women ) and therefore an effeminate calling and beneath a man 's dignity ?
11 It is very difficult at times to say whether the clusters do really add up to a representation of the whole .
12 erm Mainly analyzing it with meterological data , you find that after the dry spell , when the rain does finally arrive it 's more acid , and it 's affected in .
13 Yet when the rains do finally arrive , the desert begins to stir .
14 When the rains do finally return and water fills the pond again , the fish , within the space of a few hours , comes to life , wriggles free of its cocoon and the resoftened mud and swims off .
15 When the nose does eventually run wide , it does so very progressively .
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