Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] the [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This judgement applies to the I- dominant poems ( 88 , 89 ) as to the Thou- dominant ones , such as 35 , where after the first quatrain excusing the Friend 's faults ( ‘ No more be griev 'd at that which thou hast done ’ ) the second suddenly recoils on itself : This is indeed to bring a plea ‘ 'gainst myself ’ , to become an accomplice or ‘ accessory ’ , plunging oneself in ‘ civil war ’ .
2 To his annoyance he found that the Treasurer 's office was now completely empty except for the four telephones set down in a row on the bare boards of the floor .
3 He put the things back into his wallet , except for the blue card informing him that he was to see Dr Pool in the morning .
4 Except for the two unfortunates buried in your churchyard . ’
5 His voluminous political correspondence was purchased from her by Peel 's literary executors , the fifth Earl Stanhope and Edward , Viscount Cardwell [ qq.v. ] , and destroyed except for the two volumes incorporated in the Peel papers , now in the British Library , and letters of his own retained by Lord Stanhope .
6 Except for the few slats supporting the tank , all the shelves in the cupboard can be removed in a moment , making access really easy .
7 Everything had been arranged with strict symmetry except for the giant easel standing on a square of Turkey carpet by the window , and everything , canvasses , table , marble busts , was covered with dust .
8 The typewriter had been made in Delhi many years ago , copied from an English Underwood and reproduced in every detail except for the vital spring to drive the keys back .
9 We found that it was cheaper for the four Europeans to travel to America than for the two Americans to come to London or Berlin .
10 Aid officials agree that conditions are far better than for the wretched Kurds stuck on the freezing mountains .
11 If the husband did not fulfil his obligation to maintain , then on balance it was considered preferable for the wife to go out and earn than for the whole family to become chargeable to the Poor Law .
12 It is far easier for the British than for the American executive to do this .
13 If this is the right Elizabeth , can we come much closer to him than through the loved child christened at Stratford ‘ Elizabeth , daughter of John Hall , gentleman ’ and her Bible , so tenderly inscribed by her husband ?
14 Regarding relations with the Allies he hoped to extend his government 's rights to full sovereignty , but by a policy of friendship and reconciliation rather than through the demanding style favoured by Schumacher .
15 I think those pressures will still be there and that another solution will have to be found , albeit in the middle term to reduce the further demands , continuing demands for peripheral expansion of the city .
16 Except in the three ILP seats the Communists would support Labour rather than ILP candidates .
17 CDC finished its end of year with a net loss of $134.0m after a $129.8m restructuring charge associated with the spin-out from Ceridian Corp last year ( UX No 387 ) , although in the two quarters following the spinout it recorded net earnings of $10.2m on revenues of $266.6m .
18 Walmsley looks at several possible explanations and concludes that the change is largely due to the Act itself , firstly in the simple sense that the passing of the 1967 Act brought to an end a trial period of uncertainty for the police by making quite clear that , although in the future homosexual acts in private between consenting adults were to be legal , such acts in ‘ public ’ as defined by the Act were not .
19 Most important , of course , was the recognition that , although in the long-term measures to increase income and reduce costs would enable Colleges to become more self-sufficient , in the short-term the finance available would not necessarily allow all desirable changes to be introduced simultaneously , and some prioritising would be required .
20 Others ( e.g. Hatcher and Shall ice , 1983 ) have drawn upon Phizacklea and Miles 's North London research which , although in the final analysis conceives of racism as a form of false consciousness , nevertheless gives a more active , reasoning or reflexive role to the working class racist subject .
21 Although from the outside Sugar looked very complete , from the inside it was very different with much of the internal equipment fittings and instruments long since gone .
22 It is impossible to quantify these concepts precisely and the assumption that changes are small is more likely to be valid in large-scale problems ( where one coefficient , for example , is less important in relation to the rest of the data ) than in the simple examples used for illustration , but the underlying principles are independent of such considerations .
23 Wives were less involved in the farm in France than in the other countries visited , perhaps because the farms were almost all full-time units and the average size was small enough to allow the man to do much of the work on his own .
24 This research showed that the level of advice and representation in SSATs is lower than in the other tribunals investigated .
25 Overall , adults with cystic fibrosis seem to have difficulty in achieving independence , with only one third married or cohabiting , and a higher proportion than in the general population remain in the parental home .
26 Both brothers were dressed in neatly tailored white tuxedos and black ties in preparation for the formal reception being given in their father 's honour at the palace of the governor of Cochin-China , and it was Chuck who had insisted that they travel separately by pousse-pousse rather than in the official Citron sent for their parents .
27 It is true that productivity in manufacturing ( though not in the economy as a whole ) grew rapidly , though no faster than in the six-year periods ending 1969 or 1973 .
28 Far better at any rate , than in the diaphanous sweet-pea tinted frills in which her mother and Miss Ernestine Baker seemed intent on smothering her .
29 For us , there is more emotion in the undemonstrative numbness , the ironically incomplete account given of self by New Order or the Mekons , than in the silky signals emanating from your Anita Bakers .
30 The activity was certainly engaged in with more enthusiasm than in the previous tutorials based on the complete version of the story .
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