Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] [art] [noun pl] and the " in BNC.

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1 So out I went , Halton is ringed with beautiful beech forests and one of my training runs just happened to take me through one of these forests where I felt I was utterly safe except for the birds and the bees .
2 Except for the historians and the sociologists of knowledge , the process of getting there is signally uninteresting .
3 For that reason , the exercise of critical abilities in the sciences is bound to be more restricted than in the arts and the humanities .
4 I do shut them up at night because of the stoats and the foxes , but they put themselves to bed , I only have to shut the door .
5 ‘ I never thought I 'd get the same satisfaction from coaching as from playing , but I have because of the players and the group that has evolved and the atmosphere .
6 In the light of all that , ladies and gentlemen , the choice of a speaker for the Charles Darwin centenary was not difficult , and indeed I know that he welcomed the opportunity to give this lecture , not least I 'm sure because of the controversies and the general noise that have erupted once again over the issues of evolution , both in the academies of the civilized western world , and even in deepest Arkensaw
7 In addition a number of smaller samples is examined in detail since they are expected to show up any differences in perspective as between the police and the Crown Prosecution Service .
8 The furniture is neither splendid nor plentiful ; as for the carpets and the curtains , the former are threadbare and the latter faded .
9 As with the Americans and the Russians , Britain 's post-war rocket research began with firings of captured German V-2 rockets .
10 The heart is as much identified with thought and the mind as with the emotions and the will .
11 In the more seasonal forests , hummingbirds may be migratory , but in all forests they tend to breed at the time when the flowers on which they depend are most abundant , though as with the thrips and the Shorea species , there is some staggering of flowering times and avoidance of competition for pollinators between plants .
12 Well my Lord I must say it had occurred to me erm that certainly on the basis on which I 'm contending for damages to be assessed with the plaintiffs and it is completely irrelevant , er er many of the matters to which the defendant 's expert goes to as to the damages and the extent to which they were caused by the negligence of the defendant , the breach of duty .
13 Witnesses were then called , firstly as to the circumstances and the discovery of the body .
14 Otherwise she would grow confused as to the limits and the confines of reality , the nature of objectivity and the state of her own mental balance .
15 The decision , both as to the facts and the law , is for the Justices alone , so it 's unlike a judge and jury trial where the judge deals with the law and the jury deal with the facts .
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