Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A magistrates ' court may transfer private law proceedings where in the interests of the child they could be dealt with more appropriately in the county court ( APO , art 8 ) .
2 If we divide each row through by its diagonal element , ( 1 ) becomes unc The leading matrix here is of the form I + C , where C is null except for the elements above the diagonal .
3 He hardly talked to any , except for the waiters in the hotel at Aix-les-Bains .
4 Except for the findings of the inquest . ’
5 In other words , the lights were off in the living-room except for the strobes around the disco where a lonely DJ was pumping out Frankie Goes to Hollywood , and all the guests at the party were in the kitchen cluttering up the fake oak worksurfaces and obscuring the Neff oven .
6 For a while , silence prevailed , except for the footsteps of the guide , walking to the end of the gallery and walking back , sighing in her progress , jingling her keys .
7 Sometimes the names of the authors of the report appear on the title page but , if the report is going out in the name of an organisation , it may be kept impersonal except for the signatures at the end .
8 Except for the jams on the motorway .
9 I knew Flora cared no more about my opinions than about the opinions of the rather derelict Arabs , drinking Coca-Cola at the bar — probably a good deal less , in fact , since theirs would be useful copy for her — but she was kind enough to pretend that she did , drew me out and flattered me until I felt witty and successful and told outrageous stories about people we knew .
10 But Henry was more concerned about the political repercussions of the advances he was making on the Continent than about the troubles of the church of Canterbury .
11 However , given the claim of the Chancellor of the Exchequer , in response to the hon. Member for Ealing , North ( Mr. Greenway ) , about lower inflation , should not the Chancellor have a little more regard for board rooms where , in the balance between optimism and pessimism , the state of opinion remains distinctly negative , than for the exigencies of the exchange rate mechanism ?
12 Some of the Area Board chairmen could not help noticing that their colleagues who shouted loudest could sometimes induce appeasement , Citrine and Self seeming to show more regard for consensus than for the merits of the case .
13 The United Nations ' World Food Programme says that more than 20m Africans will depend on food aid this year — more , by far , than during the horrors in the Horn of Africa six years ago .
14 Talk that night was less of the glory of Gower than of the intricacies of the Aqib Affair .
15 Since atmospheric perspective is disregarded also , the furthest buildings appear to be placed above rather than behind the ones in the foreground .
16 As for reception , Benjamin sees the film audience , detached from the moment of production , as being in the position of a critic , identifying with the analytical work of the camera rather than with the experiences of the characters .
17 Sadly , the case had more to do with the freedom of the press than with the rights of the mentally handicapped to live , and when the Mail was cleared of contempt by the Law Lords it was a victory for the freedom of the press not the mentally handicapped present in our society .
18 In addition , public enterprises also lend themselves to tasks that have more to do with political legitimation than with the needs of the economic system , and which increase the contradictory pressures on them .
19 On the one hand , private enterprise is presented as efficient , cost-effective and competitive while public provision is shown as wasteful , inefficient , and concerned more with the interests of the workers involved than with the consumers of the service .
20 Although under no illusions concerning the brutal repression of the German communist party , Nizan was nonetheless optimistic enough at this stage not only to proclaim the tenacity of communist resistance to two years of fascist dictatorship , but also to assert the growing strength of the German masses , a potential opposition force to Nazi oppression .
21 Few prior to Jones had cared to admit this seditious point except in the columns of the Police Review , where disgruntled beat officers ( often anonymously ) indicate the paradox of being the revered and reviled base on which all the hierarchy is built .
22 There may still be a few people in Islay who will remember , no doubt with appreciation , the Coats libraries , a source of firstly recreation and secondly instruction , when books were scarce in the island except in the houses of the proprietors , and to a lesser degree , the doctor , the ministers and the schoolmasters , long before popular newspapers , radio and television were easily available ,
23 In any event , among adults the moral rigidities of hell and damnation were rapidly disappearing , except in the families of the Dissenting sects .
24 The widening of the franchise , albeit within the confines of the PCC , whose membership was estimated to be 600,000 , was seen as an important step and offered some hope to opposition groups campaigning for a future independent parliament .
25 The use that is made of it , however , depends more upon the decision of the individual than upon the expectations of the Church .
26 The efforts of the survivors , though prodigious enough , derive less from the sweat of the brow than from the exertions of the machines they direct from on high .
27 With the symmetry of the rest of the geometry we can only assume this to be from choice rather than from the limitations of the designers ' technology .
28 The [ draft ] FRS requires that non-equity interests in shareholders ' funds , non-equity interests in minority interests , and convertible debt are disclosed on the face of the balance sheet rather than in the notes to the financial statements .
29 I must be careful here , for while the provision for community education in Scotland is generally more advanced at the level of local authority involvement than in the areas of the USA which I visited , and while organisations such as the Trades Unions , the WEA and others do much to orchestrate various adult education projects , there is nothing which approaches the ‘ schools for problems ’ which Highlander provides .
30 Instead of the Michels notion of a radical movement being compromised by a leadership more interested in its own future than in the goals of the movement , a more fruitful theme from the social movements literature is Smelser 's distinction between various ‘ means ’ .
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