Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [noun pl] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nearby , you can visit the waterfall at Sillans where brave bathers plunge into the rocky pools or the caves at Villecroze once inhabited by monks .
2 These differences may be exacerbated in a more formal hierarchical structure where clear divisions exist between the different levels .
3 Oil pipelines are subject to corrosion where induced currents flow between the pipes and earth .
4 Similarly , where obnoxious odours emanate from the keeping of animals ; either s.92(1) ( b ) , ( c ) , ( d ) or even ( a ) may be relevant .
5 The Dewsbury case also focused attention on the difficulties of accommodating the preferences of parents drawn from groups with diverse cultural and religious differences , especially where these interests conflict with the ‘ rights ’ of the state to promote a policy of multicultural education in the interests of racial harmony and integration .
6 American institutions are more legalistic , adhering to principles enshrined in a written Constitution where all rights derive from the fundamental principles of liberty and equality .
7 Only where deep undulations coincide with a bend is there a hint of diagonal pitching , but this is more of an observation than a criticism .
8 It is more complex where international actors co-exist in a variety of relationships .
9 At Friedrichstrasse station , where many Westerners arrive on the Stadtbahn , the city railway , long queues formed .
10 The 1914 analogy remains potent in a nuclear age , where many observers worry about a drift to war resulting from the increasing automation of the battlefield and of command and control systems .
11 It embraces the remains of a mediaeval well and has been made most aesthetic use of by the present owners of the manor as an interesting garden feature where flowering colours splash against the solid , more sombre stonework .
12 Difficulties can arise where overseas employees participate in a share option scheme approved by the Inland Revenue in accordance with UK legislation .
13 ‘ The intellectual and rational conception of life has given way to a more creative interpretation ’ , wrote the British Surrealist Eileen Agar in 1931 , ‘ and artistic life is under the sway of womb-magic ’ ; and Agar give expression to this ‘ womb-magic ’ in the foetal and embryonic forms which play a central part in paintings such as ‘ Family Trio ’ or ‘ The Autobiography of an Embryo ’ where fluid shapes float across the picture plane to be captured in a net of geometric planes .
14 He has heard about the ‘ Hello curse ’ , where loving couples tell in the glossy how good life is together … and immediately head for a break-up .
15 What I 'm interested in is trying to promote more of the sort of spontaneous collaboration , where shared interests emerge from an activity the children are engaged in , and they develop it together .
16 the point of a character where two lines meet at the top , an example of this is the point on the letter A.
17 I wanted to see the rainforest I 'd read about , a place where vast trunks rise up like the pillars of a gloomy cathedral , where lianas hang down , where bright parrots chatter in the sunlight of the tree canopy .
18 Mediaeval literature has frequent references to insanity , in sermons and saints ' lives , where holy men struggle with the insane and usually cure them , by the power of God , or where the violent against Christians ultimately become mad ; in homiletic literature , where the figures of Nebuchadnezzar and Herod present fearful lessons ; and in Arthurian romances , where Tristram and Lancelot are interesting figures to the modern psychologist .
19 In the US system these networks appear as ‘ iron triangles ’ , where special interests work in a unified way with Congressional committees and relevant federal agencies to skew policy towards solicitude for their concerns .
20 Attention should be paid to the Home/Motor Etc Agreement within the Claims Agreements on HOST where special arrangements apply between the signatories of the Agreement .
21 ‘ This new scheme will ensure that , where local authorities spend at a sensible level , no ratepayer or ratepaying couple anywhere in the country will be more than £3 a week worse off when the community charge is introduced , ’ he said .
22 where both parties emerge from the negotiation having obtained a mutual benefit .
23 an oversize page where both sides fold into the gutter in overlapping layers .
24 Waterloo ( 1817 ) by William Mudford [ q.v. ] , where both names appear in the imprint .
25 Trinity 's more than fifty exhibits belong to a more rarefied world than London is used to these days , evoking the early days of collecting Renaissance and baroque artefacts : sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Italian and German bronzes ; a rare Venetian ‘ calcedonio ’ glass bowl ; fine Italian maiolica ; Doccia porcelain and an Italian silver and gilt-copper reliquary made for Cardinal Stuart in Rome about 1765 .
26 Less than forty pictures exist by the fifteenth-century Sicilian artist , who was credited by Vasari with bringing the ‘ Flemish ’ technique of oil painting to Italy , and whose placid works were of decisive influence on contemporary Venetian painters , especially Giovanni Bellini .
27 It is expected to be operational with an office in Brussels early next year and although some doubts remain about the scope of the redefined Scotland Europa , the Council has agreed , in principle , to support the initiative .
28 Although fixed terms allow for the job to end through a ‘ natural break ’ , the expiry of a fixed period of employment still counts as a dismissal for some legal purposes , such as the right to claim unfair dismissal or redundancy pay .
29 Although fixed terms allow for the job to end through a ‘ natural break ’ , the expiry of a fixed period of employment still counts as a dismissal for some legal purposes , such as the right to claim unfair dismissal or redundancy pay .
30 Although these authorities work within the framework of central government legislation , their interpretation of this legislation is not always correct and is often reckless and to the detriment of the trade , its members ' income and working conditions .
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