Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [pron] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do you remember the Polanski movie Repulsion , where all you see of the city is a tiny little street outside Catherine Deneuve 's flat ?
2 All others are available except those which lie at the extreme top end of the compass ( say above including the shake on G and A ♮ ) .
3 We can also speculate that at least some ‘ non-negotiable ’ transfers are brought off more rapidly than those which go through the lugubrious procedures maintained by various State bodies and foreign trade organisations .
4 Methods which make use of a combination of sensory inputs are likely to be more effective than those which relay on a single channel of communication .
5 ( iii ) Limitation of liability.It has been said that the courts tend to view clauses which limit liability more favourably than those which provide for a total exclusion .
6 More angular and less fluid in outline than those which feature in the final version of ‘ La Danse ’ , the figures are painted in predominantly grey-blue tones against an unfinished blue background .
7 Nevertheless teaching methods which make use of a combination of sensory inputs are likely to be more effective than those which rely on a single channel of communication .
8 The same report re-announced the prosecutions of specific groups ( street traders , casual workers , mini cab drivers and despatch riders in London , the South Coast , Birmingham and Scotland ) with the suggestion that a larger number of claimants are involved than those who come to the courts .
9 She admires wealth-creators , entrepreneurs , and people who have taken a chance in the market rather than those who work in the public sector .
10 Though residents find little change in the quality of living under these arrangements , they are generally pleased with the traffic calming that has resulted , though less so than those who live in the streets that have been completely rebuilt .
11 If there are more than four I go to the cupboard and nip cognacs till it 's all over for me , my dear ’ , or ‘ Last Sunday I had a fearful crise .
12 If those who profit from the sale of descriptions of their investigations and speculations about matters of public interest are not restrained by fear of appropriate penal or financial consequences from publishing defamatory statements which are false , it is likely that some of them would publish so much in the nature of defamatory allegations against public organisations , and the men and women who run those organisations , that the public , if there was no effective process for determining whether the charges were substantially true or not , might cease to be greatly concerned about the charges save for such amusement as the stories might provide .
13 If those who work in the media wish to enjoy the freedom desired for them by the Royal Commission — the freedom to publish facts and opinions which are in the public interest — they may have to forgo some of the comparative freedom they enjoy to publish facts and opinions which are not .
14 Even when answers start to emerge , it will be some time before those who depend on the industry for a livelihood — and that includes at least 100,000 Scots — will know whether or not he has sent the right signals in a climate of fierce international competition for scarce oil industry investment funds .
15 But anyway as usual you get on the station .
16 As such they belong to a distinct and long-standing tradition , that of the ‘ mères ’ .
17 The annual product includes those portions of the social product which replace capital , namely social reproduction , as well as those which go to the consumption fund , those which are consumed by labourers and capitalists , hence both productive and individual consumption .
18 Regrettably no , the safety standards and regulations in operation overseas are those of the country in question and may not reach the same level as those we enjoy in the UK .
19 Couples who marry in their teens are almost twice as likely to divorce as those who marry between the ages of 20 and 24 .
20 It was at first , through proximity , an extended family whose members were as strongly bound together as those who live within the nuclear structure .
21 I can see nothing in democratic thinking which allows us to think of " the people " as anything other than the whole body of citizens , minorities as well as majorities , those who oppose and dissent as well as those who belong to the dominant majority .
22 The ideas exchanged during the competition will be put into practise by crews when next they deal with a real accident .
23 When next you step into an airliner just ask yourself if you want a pilot who has a knowledge of flying or someone who not only has knowledge but aviation skill as well .
24 On the doorstep his final words to the last guest to leave were , ‘ You must vote for me when next I apply for a Cambridge professorship ’ .
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