Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] back [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The answer , from work-a-day tinkers , tailors , soldiers and sailors ( and company directors , clerics , academics and ex-BR drivers itching to get back inside a steam cab ) has been a most definitely resounding yes !
2 I could understand them wanting to escape back to a time when they were ‘ needed ’ .
3 ‘ I know you 're wanting to get back to the hacienda . ’
4 And I have n't come across any notes from me to me , so obviously I 'm not going to go back into the past and leave anything for me to discover in the future , which is the present .
5 But then when you do peel them away , whether you can have a potentiality , like the when talked about he talked about either side of his face timeless void that you had to see the limit of it so that you could have erm that that I was in this body and there 's something about this body that I 'm going to go back into the body and then that could differentiate perhaps .
6 Two of the lads are going to go back to the apartment hotel with you .
7 Candidates include : the inability or unwillingness of the Federal Reserve to stem the banking panic and maintain the money supply ; the failure to use fiscal policy intelligently ( up to and including Franklin Roosevelt 's New Deal after 1933 ) ; the uses and abuses of the gold standard ( Britain deciding to go back on the gold standard in 1925 at the pre-1914 parity , then deciding to come off the standard altogether in 1931 ; the refusal of many countries , especially America , to follow gold-standard rules ) ; the outbreak of trade war sparked by America 's Smoot-Hawley tariffs in 1930 ; and so on .
8 Jos shook his head , turning to go back to the van .
9 She assumed that , having had time to think things over , he was going to come back with the decision to tell Marc everything that had led up to this crazy engagement of theirs .
10 During the operation , I 'm going to come back to the door in a minute , during the operation which gun were you carrying ?
11 But suddenly he seemed to blossom out and take weight , like a ghost deciding to cross back over the frontier from the land of death .
12 As soon as lunch was over , Mr Evans was fidgeting to get back to the shop .
13 The inexperienced pilots often try to soar in unusable lift , and they concentrate so hard that they do n't recognise that they are drifting away and are not going to get back to the field .
14 For a moment I thought he was going to get back to the DIY metaphor and start to try to get them to see me as undercoat or Jesus Christ as primer , but , instead , he recovered himself enough to say , ‘ Great News ! ’
15 ‘ How — how are you going to get back to the château ?
16 If you are aiming to go back for a landing , only stay long enough in that thermal to get properly centred before moving off again down to 1500 feet and starting to look for the next bit of lift .
17 But he always leaves it as if he is n't expecting to come back in the morning . "
18 The next report came in for the 3rd goal , and again said ‘ Leeds are beginning to get back into the match , but Norwich have scored a 3rd ’ … all other reports/comments just mention the goals .
19 But Tommy Johnson is aiming to step back on the goal trail .
20 I do n't think so no , but you know I mean , for six months if Christopher 's living here and having to go back at the weekend , for six months he gets an allowance
21 One good way of judging a well-planned interview schedule of the formal type is to ask ‘ Could this schedule be handed over to someone else for analysis without them having to go back to the interviewer to ask what certain answers mean ? ’
22 The whole thing had the odd appearance of a brick-built Mississippi steamboat beached and panting to get back to the lake .
23 The Exiles are bristling to get back on the scene and currently lie third in the Division Four South , tucked in behind Havant and Basingstoke .
24 Hoping to escape back to the house , I crept quietly behind him while he was bending over to admire an insect , but —
25 The loose scree is very difficult ground for anyone trying to climb back to the path .
26 It produces the archetypal image of the Christian , afraid of life , always trying to climb back into the Garden of Eden , by creating a world of fantasy if necessary to inhabit at the expense of living in the real world .
27 Forced to convene yet another extraordinary meeting by sacked directors trying to get back on the board , Amalgamated Financial Investments has sent out a suitably apologetic letter to shareholders .
28 Mr Takeshita , who subsequently wangled a meeting with Mr Bush to chat about the SII talks , has spent the past couple of weeks trying to get back into the limelight .
29 ‘ Imagine someone who had given up teaching five years ago trying to get back into the profession now .
30 It 's at that point that many women start trying to get back into the labour market and at that point it is extremely difficult , so I think that we 're talking about a number of things .
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