Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] up [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Laura cried , struggling to sit up on the wide leather rear seat of the large car , where she had been so unceremoniously tossed only a moment before .
2 DEC is struggling to come up with a clear , forthright statement on its Unix policy for a worldwide briefing it 's planning on holding February 10 .
3 Or was she simply going to drive up to the front door and announce herself ?
4 One of these days Sam is going to come up against a good old time proper door .
5 Sometimes there was a dense mass of men , sometimes only a trickle hurrying to catch up with the main body .
6 How long they had been ‘ carrying ’ their susceptibility to that cold around with them just waiting to meet up with the right bugs will depend upon the individual circumstances of each of them .
7 I saw Lukic launch into the tackle and it looked , for all the world , like it was going to end up as a foul but I could n't see if it was outside the area .
8 Not every idea we have is going to end up as a full research project .
9 Not just republican , we have loyalists as well and the loyalists have the potential for being the bigger and more effective of the two , and if we let the I R A to continue without interning them , you are going to have the situation deteriorating in the way which you do n't want and I do n't want , and you 're going to end up as the chief constable of the R U C said a few weeks ago with Dublin being bombed .
10 The client may say , ‘ My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack ’ , or , ‘ I ca n't cope any more ’ , or , ‘ I think I 'm going to end up in a mental hospital ’ .
11 It does n't know for certain , so it simply doubles whatever free space it thinks is left — after all the software is n't psychic and ca n't know what files are going to wind up on the hard disk .
12 How she was goin' to put up with the wee 'un 's fancy talk and fancy ways , she did n't know .
13 Faced with this unprecedented , unique and , above all , fearsomely complex challenge , the West is just beginning to come up with an unprecedented , unique , and also fearsomely complex response .
14 We are not expecting to come up with a definitive plan to seize power ! ! but rather to begin to discuss some of the issues which are reducing the impact we are having .
15 Class divisions hitherto non-existent or only latent in English society were beginning to open up as the Agrarian and Industrial Revolutions gained momentum , and popular unrest was in the air .
16 Traffic was beginning to build up on the main road which bypassed Axe , and the sound of one particular car engine could be heard , becoming steadily louder as it approached her part of the lane .
17 Christians across the spectrum are beginning to wake up to the living vitality of the Holy Spirit .
18 Striving to make up for the considerable loss of all-rounder Jonathan Barnes , who is now a County League professional , Darlington RA have signed Australian Troy Dixon as their professional .
19 Well , I 'm terribly sorry if I did n't add another notch to your bedpost , but look on the bright side — at least I saved you the bother of having to come up with a nice little farewell speech at the end of it all .
20 However , much of the hostility aroused by the subcommittee 's report appeared to be directed towards the United Kingdom government , which was widely accused of failing to stand up to the Chinese over Hong Kong 's future .
21 Meanwhile , two stragglers and a dog are running to catch up with the main party ( 2 ) .
22 ‘ I really am glad to be home , even if it means having to put up with a typical British summer .
23 Concentrate instead on your own reputation by continuing to live up to the high standards you always set yourself .
24 McGrath , returning after being forgiven for failing to turn up for the Irish trek to Albania two weeks ago , rewarded Jack Charlton 's faith in him with a goal and a swagger as though he had never been away .
25 Add to these two schizophrenic cats , two bears with what look like severe cases of acne , and several reindeer who are just asking to end up on the wrong side of a roast dinner .
26 A wounded horse limped in the wheat , trying to catch up with the other cavalry horses .
27 I spent hours trying to come up with a brilliant argument that would demolish the ‘ no deals ’ policy in seconds and solve everything .
28 Now writers are trying to come up with a new story for Willis as rival studios race to cash in on the Die Hard formula .
29 Even as she turned towards the staircase she was still trying to come up with a good reason for not sleeping in his bed , but when she reached the top step she turned with a resigned sigh towards his room , too bone weary to argue any more .
30 Not to speak of trying to keep up with the other three murder investigations I 'm in charge of .
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