Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] for [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If this is not possible ( and it usually is n't ) , the golden advice at the present time must be to sell first rather than risk lumbering yourself with the crippling expense of having to borrow for several months or possibly longer .
2 I now understand that Derbyshire is planning to siphon off £5.5 million of capital spending to pay for extra redundancy and personnel costs at county hall .
3 It was also intended that a wide range of groups and individuals would take advantage of both types of course ; trade unionists , school governors , people intending to be councillors , voluntary organisations , and people intending to apply for higher education or vocational retraining were all mentioned in the final planning paper in 1978 , whereas the other long-term colleges concerned with education for social action were either , like Ruskin , largely trade union-oriented or , like the Cooperative College , intended for cooperators .
4 Dicke and Peebles were preparing to look for this radiation when Penzias and Wilson heard about their work and realized that they had already found it .
5 What 's also come out very strongly er , in this programme is is that it 's a struggle for a lot of people , both financially , and in terms of juggling time and the multiple demands that particularly women have , in trying to care for young people and old people to the point where women may spend their entire lives between , between twenty and sixty looking after somebody or other .
6 Trade unions exist in order to increase the market power of labour as otherwise most workers would face competition from other workers offering to work for lower wages or worse conditions .
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