Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] from [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All these legislative changes have made it increasingly difficult for local authorities to avoid appearing to lurch from crisis to crisis .
2 Then I asked , as we were going to go from century to century , if I could be allowed to collect a few bits of paraphernalia as we went along — odd little items that had taken my fancy which would then turn up in other stories .
3 Now it 's obviously going to vary from establishment to establishment , but do you feel that we perhaps still have some way to go ?
4 Peter Eatherley , head of T&L 's speciality sweeteners division , admits that food and drinks customers are not going to switch from aspartame to sucralose overnight .
5 The cab was , very gently , beginning to sway from side to side .
6 Above us the sky is beginning to turn from black to purple , and the walls of the canyon are faintly visible as immense dark shapes looming overhead .
7 It stood four square , its dark red walls half covered with large-leafed Virginia creeper just beginning to change from green to gold and russet colours .
8 By the end of the 18th century , however , the emphasis was beginning to change from fieldwork to excavation .
9 Her eyes , threatening to turn from amber to gold as the two of them sat there over a casual dinner on her balcony , briefly dared him to develop the theme , just before she dropped them .
10 ‘ but an excess of out door ceremony tended and still tends to prevent the female from acquiring the proper use of her limbs , and of learning to bound from rock to rock with the celerity of the fleecy rangers of the mountains . ’
11 The scene was set for the activity of town planning to move from environmentalism to welfarism .
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