Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] [Wh det] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I hear a lot of talk about customers going diesel , but everyone is on the fence waiting to see what happens with the Conservatives ’ promised benefit-in-kind tax review .
2 It is about people coming to identify and express personal feelings , wishes and circumstances and coming to understand what contributes to the positive and negative of their existence .
3 Now , with a dead sheep in place of a human body , they 're trying to discover what happens within the flames
4 Now , with a dead sheep in place of a human body , they 're trying to discover what happens within the flames
5 Willingness to listen to what the subordinate is really saying and trying to understand what lies behind the spoken word
6 When older people think of the past they are not just taking stock of their lives but trying to decide what to do with the time that they have left , and trying to do so in relation to concluding or making sense of what has gone before .
7 As Gentle reached the river 's other bank Pie'oh'pah turned and fled , throwing himself over the wall into the park without seeming to care what lay on the other side : anything to be out of Gentle 's sight .
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