Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] [adv prt] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am sorry to interrupt your cosy chat , Martin , but Daddy 's dying to go up to the bar for a drink and we 've promised to stop by Carolyn Roach 's house later on . ’
2 If they already have some practical knowledge they will be itching to get on to the floor !
3 Edward had watched over her for hours , even refusing to go down to the lock with his friends for days , though he loved to play there .
4 The argument put forward by the member states mentioned above is tantamount to seeking to graft on to the derogation from the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of nationality a second derogation as regards fishing vessels relating to the nationality of the owners or operators of such vessels .
5 By introducing tough new health warnings and refusing to give in to the tobacco industry 's demands , Mr Waldegrave has already shown himself to be the most effective Health Minister since Sir George Young 's short tenure .
6 Authorship is identity in the textual sphere , and hence gay people , like all marginal groups , have , at present , a political stake in wanting to hold on to the Author despite her/his expulsion from prevailing postmodernist theories .
7 ‘ I know you 're wanting to get back to the hacienda . ’
8 She looked from him to Michael and realised that her brother was going to go over to the man .
9 It also made me think that perhaps I had more control over the whole presentation generally which is my biggest concern so get up there and just do some and therefore it 's going to go on to the confidence side of it .
10 Now , I 'm going to go out to the east again with Maidstone .
11 We 're going to go down to the travel agents
12 Two of the lads are going to go back to the apartment hotel with you .
13 ‘ He said he was going to drive up to the Spaniard 's for a drink .
14 At the moment none of them 's going to sit through to the end .
15 Jos shook his head , turning to go back to the van .
16 " We 're just going to trot round to the park , so follow me .
17 So presenting the centre line and okay we 're going to come on to the eye contact as well in a moment , presenting the centre line with eye contact means that it feels much more positive for the audience in terms of the delivery .
18 During the operation , I 'm going to come back to the door in a minute , during the operation which gun were you carrying ?
19 Well , so I 'm going to meet him at Temple Meads and we 're going to set off to the Marquis family abode .
20 I 'm going to walk down to the hotel on the other side of the bay and see if they 've got any rooms free — ’
21 As soon as lunch was over , Mr Evans was fidgeting to get back to the shop .
22 The inexperienced pilots often try to soar in unusable lift , and they concentrate so hard that they do n't recognise that they are drifting away and are not going to get back to the field .
23 For a moment I thought he was going to get back to the DIY metaphor and start to try to get them to see me as undercoat or Jesus Christ as primer , but , instead , he recovered himself enough to say , ‘ Great News ! ’
24 ‘ How — how are you going to get back to the château ?
25 So great is the traffic between those striving to clamber down to the sea and those who , having spawned , are attempting to get back again , that many can not reach the water .
26 Having cruelly ignored the band for two years as they dragged their own equipment between some of London 's less than prestigious live dives , people are finally beginning to wake up to the idea of Suede .
27 They 'd be on cup three or four amid the toast fragments , still relaxed but just beginning to wake up to the day 's promise , when Mrs Goreng and myself would join them for what was left of the luke-warm coffee .
28 The City was beginning to wake up to the fact that the Labour movement , all told , had a great deal of money at its disposal — especially in the pension funds of Labour-controlled local authorities .
29 One good way of judging a well-planned interview schedule of the formal type is to ask ‘ Could this schedule be handed over to someone else for analysis without them having to go back to the interviewer to ask what certain answers mean ? ’
30 I remember my father used to say that even those experiences that take us out of ourselves — the ‘ mountain-top ’ experiences — can never keep us from having to come down to the valley of ordinary existence .
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