Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] [adv] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is equally hard to imagine countries capable of producing surpluses stonily refusing to do so in the face of an evident need .
2 Now this is and I must admit when he pulled the trigger then I thought that was going to go right in the back of the net .
3 She 's going to sit there in the hospital , and they 'll keep an eye on her and someone will put her on the evening bus , just as she planned .
4 So we have put a marker in the ground and said we are not going to move forward in the production investment phase until we are satisfied that we have a fixed price at that point so we are actually going to cap our liabilities for Eurofighter with a max price for the whole of the remainder of the programme and then we will fix the price and hopefully get some economies from fixing at that point in time before we move forward into the next phase .
5 We all have to accept that each of us has made mistakes in the past — and , indeed , that we are going to make more in the future .
6 A way of life , a set of values and attitudes which , according to some social historians did n't emerge until the late 1800's when the British Empire was at its most powerful , when imperialism , nationalism and Toryism were beginning to figure prominently in the language of the pubs and the music halls .
7 From their small and humble beginnings in tiny weather-board stations to the great climaxes of the massive Auckland and Wellington stations of the 1930s , New Zealand Railways have consistently adopted thoughtful and sensitive approaches , When railway confidence was beginning to wane elsewhere in the world in the 1930s , New Zealand not only built two of the greatest stations in the southern hemisphere , but under the Labour Government of 1936–49 continued to invest in railway 's .
8 While there is no longer any premium relief on new life policies , higher rate taxpayers or people expecting to become so in the future , qualifying policies allow them to obtain a ‘ tax-free ’ lump sum when the policy matures although tax is paid at the basic rate on the fund by the life assurer .
9 Now , though , having to live again in a world where ideals were something to be discussed by intellectuals and certain priests , but never applied , as they would have got in the way of Horemheb 's programme of reform , Huy found his feelings dulled .
10 Yet in a country where the pull of the past is so strong and the future so tantalising , it is best when you are travelling to live exclusively in the present .
11 Instead of viewing this development with hostility it celebrates the way in which the modern public company has reduced the shareholders to passive property owners , thus freeing the managers from having to act purely in the interests of shareholders .
12 Nina Holloway is another hoping to do well in the classic , she 's from Warborough in Oxfordshire .
13 After a discussion , they decided that their best hope for safety would lie in leaving the house , making for the shore and trying to get away in a ship .
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