Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] [adv] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mary was outraged by these measures , and resisted Pole 's recall by forbidding him to leave the country , and refusing to receive either the papal nuncio bearing the letters of revocation or any replacement for the cardinal .
2 Lastly , it may be noted that the male skull is less rounded , the female skull tending to retain more the adolescent form .
3 In this final stage of the diet we are looking to put together the best diet for your own metabolism and make-up , based on your findings .
4 [ He will say later , ‘ If I 'd relaxed the standard there I 'd have had umpteen other people knocking on the door wanting to do precisely the same thing to save on trade effluent charges . ’ ]
5 He was one of several candidates vying to become only the 14th editor in the publication 's 128-year history .
6 It was suggested in discussing the results from the first study that subjects may have been deliberately attempting to recall just the risky situations .
7 In deciding to get together the two firms reveal that they think this union will be in their private interest , but we must ask whether mergers are in the public interest .
8 And I think we 're going to have exactly the same thing with this opting out system .
9 ‘ I 'm going to enlarge both the geological room and the botanical room , ’ Svend continued , barely stopping to take breath .
10 He was beginning to get entirely the wrong impression , and that really annoyed — and disturbed — her .
11 It is fascinating to speculate on the reactions of the Eritreans to the spectacle of a man asking to have again the same conversations and introductions , this time with four or five other men holding cameras , lights and recorders .
12 In the attic room she lay on the narrow straw mattress listening to Sally 's snores , watching stars brighten in the charcoal sky and struggling to push away the growing sense of responsibility .
13 In the next chapter I will try to increase the order in our neck of the woods a little further by explaining how people are trying to fit together the partial theories I have described to form a complete unified theory that would cover everything in the universe .
14 First she had allowed herself to be manipulated by Ace , and now her father was trying to do exactly the same thing .
15 A symmetric arms race is one between competitors trying to do roughly the same thing as each other .
16 These extreme examples highlight the ludicrousness of trying to draw together the physical traits of black people when it is clear that there exist as many differences between individual blacks as between blacks and non-blacks .
17 So the inquiry is by no means cut and dried and they 're now trying to piece together the last hours of the dead woman 's life .
18 He twisted it , trying to prise loose the remaining screws , but although brittle from corrosion they refused to snap .
19 Patients find visual proprioceptive cues very useful — eg , aiming at marks or patterns on the floor , trying to kick forward the leading leg , or turning up the toes inside the shoe .
20 A Sudanese army spokesman on Dec. 20 criticized what it said was the Kenyan government 's support for " certain foreign circles and the colonialist churches " which he said were trying to bring together the divided rebel groups in the south and to persuade them to secede .
21 And meanwhile Greece has to reckon with the fact that Turkey , on the other side of the Aegean , is planning to lure exactly the same sort of middle-class tourist with exactly the same combination of sunshine , classical ruins and mildly exotic food — and , it must be added , with lower costs and beaches many of which are less in need of de-whiffing .
22 The draft platform formed the basis of Gorbachev 's opening report to the plenum , but he began by announcing that the politburo was proposing to bring forward the 28th CPSU congress from October to late June or early July , to be preceded by a " report-and-election campaign " during which " overdue personnel issues will be resolved and new elected party bodies will be formed " .
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