Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] [adv] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And herself , mistrustful of him , angered by his wrong assumptions about her , pretending to go along with the programme he 'd arranged !
2 A spokesman for the Housing Corporation , which regulates housing associations , said they were refusing to go ahead with the scheme without funding for running costs .
3 Post-war interviews carried out by the United States Strategic Bombing Survey , confirmed such impressions : one out of three Germans indicated that his morale was affected by bombing more than any other single factor ; nine in ten of those interviewed mentioned bombing as the greatest hardship they had to suffer in the war ; three in five admitted to war-weariness on account of the bombing , and the percentage not wanting to go on with the war was significantly higher in heavily bombed than unbombed towns ; more than two-fifths said they lost hope in German victory when the raids did not stop ; and the percentage of people with confidence in the leadership was fourteen per cent lower in heavily bombed than in unbombed towns .
4 The consequence of the Knoyles ' poverty and the Hutchings ' absenteeism over the previous two centuries was that the Manor House had a miraculous escape from Georgian owners wanting to keep up with the times .
5 They saw themselves as wanting to get on with the teaching of their subject .
6 Cos county er they er debated whether it would be a three year or one year meeting to tie in with the tri-annual .
7 How long are you going to go on with the farce of keeping this bloody lot in business ? "
8 To be perfectly frank , I need Number 29 if I 'm going to go ahead with the scheme . ’
9 A BAF spokesman , Tony Ward , said : ‘ We will have to talk to Livingston and his advisers to find out whether they are still going to go ahead with the appeal . ’
10 Or are we going to go along with the priorities that our non-Christian friends have ?
11 She assumed that , having had time to think things over , he was going to come back with the decision to tell Marc everything that had led up to this crazy engagement of theirs .
12 Racing to catch up with the industry 's evolution , Comdex ’ owner Interface Group is launching Enterprise Computing Exposition and Conference set for Chicago 's McCormick Place July 26–28 next year .
13 One moment they seemed to be flying through and over mountains and the next they were skimming over a long , fertile valley , turning to come in with the wind and losing height steadily .
14 ‘ We are going to negotiate hard with the department to see that we get things moving . ’
15 The prospect of a play attempting to deal realistically with the phenomenon of drug and club culture would seem to be setting itself up as a target for scorn and ridicule from people involved in the scene and as a scapegoat for moral guardians who bitterly oppose it .
16 Rechtschaffen 's is a lucid , insightful account of the phenomenology of dreaming , which , despite the many advances that have been made in understanding the natural history of sleep and dreaming , remains unusual in attempting to deal directly with the experience of dreaming .
17 Well let's say let's say we 've got a fixed pressure now , we 're not going to mess about with the height of the water , it 's a constant hundred feet or so .
18 He really gets steamed up if they 're left open , you 'd think somebody was going to run off with the timber mill . ’
19 ‘ Very pretty , ’ said George , ‘ but how are we going to get away with the treasure , when we have no ship ? ’
20 By the time I was 22 , I 'd run up nearly £4,000 in debt , and was beginning to fall behind with the payments because I rested sending money off to pay for clothes I 'd fallen out of love with .
21 However , it too is thought to be moving to catch up with the market .
22 By 1916 these were beginning to rankle sorely with the men at the front .
23 Oxfordshire and west Buckinghamshire beginning to ease off with the rush hour traffic at the moment , not too bad at all at the moment .
24 Fabbiano would not mind if he saw the girls beginning to blend in with the guests .
25 Since when he 'd left her alone again , and Dolly was having to put up with the April breeze .
26 Most owners , however , will keep the engine speed between 2000rpm and 4500rpm where there is sufficient torque to outperform any remaining GTi without having to put up with the din from a high-revving multi-valve power GTi unit .
27 The second , having to do only with the reproduction of the page in Unver 's book , is that it is necessarily small-scale , so that a number of the including several of the potentially most interesting ones , have proved to be unreadable .
28 Ken talked a lot about suicide , but in Orton 's company it had to have sexual connotations , as though he were constantly — and whatever the subject of his conversations — having to keep up with the Joneses , in this case Orton and his assorted friends if not specifically Orton and Halliwell .
29 Everyone should follow Marshall 's example here because the amount of effect level needed can change from gig to gig and the mix pot makes this adjustment instantly , without your having to mess about with the processor 's levels .
30 Boro boss Lennie Lawrence said : ‘ As I feared weeks ago , Blackburn have established a clear lead and are threatening to run away with the championship .
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