Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] [pron] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If the Panel is satisfied that certain information requested at a full Panel hearing is commercially confidential ( such that it would be damaging to reveal it to the other party ) then it may permit the first party to be heard alone .
2 Film historians have spent a good deal of time debating the significance of the gangster films and attempting to relate them to the whole ethos of the Wall Street crash and the onset of the depression .
3 ‘ It 's not going to stop the abuse of power , it 's just going to restrict it to the highest level .
4 Well WE 'RE not … were going to leave it to the strong men … something different too … the first ever weightlifting world cup for the disabled .
5 He was going to take me to the derelict château he and Montaine had discovered in a clearing in one of the forests .
6 ‘ I think from then on it was fairly clear that he was going to make it to the very top , ’ one retired civil servant recalled .
7 You are going to need to buy some bathroom scales if you have n't got any , or if the ones you have got are n't accurate , because each day you are going to weight yourself to the nearest pound ( 0.5kg ) .
8 ‘ I 'm going to groom her , and then I 'm going to show her to the National Theatre .
9 What she is saying is that there are hundreds of millions of people out there who can let life go by without trying to relate themselves to the big issues .
10 but then again I 'd rather just let them get on with it I 'm not trying to convert you to the better way of doing things , cos obviously I do n't know a whether there 's
11 So we are trying to introduce him to the larger world .
12 Adam and Harriet Hunt are hoping to make it to the big time .
13 While the proposal was known to have been received enthusiastically by some EC countries , including Portugal and Greece , others like France opposed a CSCM which would include the Middle East , preferring to limit it to the western Mediterranean .
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