Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But Cecil 's string was struggling to find its form at the time and Rainbow Lake could manage no better than a modest sixth to subsequent Derby fourth Cairo Prince .
2 For the polytechnics , still struggling to establish their place in the pattern of higher education , the advent of this group of diverse institutions could be seen as ‘ jeopardizing ’ their position , given what the CDP considered an ill-defined interpretation by the DES of ‘ advanced further education ’ .
3 His narrative reveals Geertz ( almost ) capable of being a player himself , helping to establish his credibility as a knowing ‘ reader ’ of cockfighting and supporting his claims for the activity 's wider anthropological significance .
4 When Gabriel turned in terror towards Garvey , the playmaster was already struggling to untangle his robe from the top of the ladder and to climb down .
5 She was endeavouring to find her way to the courtyard when , reaching the end of one of the wide corridors , she found herself in a long gallery lined with portraits .
6 According to the Legend — the propaganda of a papacy that by this time was endeavouring to assert its independence of the emperor — on the eighth day after his conversion , the Emperor Constantine divested himself of the imperial symbols , prostrated himself before Pope Sylvester and laid down his crown .
7 His dark glance passed briefly over her suddenly ashen face , returning to challenge his brother with an arrogant smirk .
8 ‘ We will be endeavouring to get our budget within the £7.127m. limit and we are hoping that it will be achieved relatively painlessly . ’
9 The Tribune group has sent out a list of candidates who are bidding to join its slate for the 18 Shadow Cabinet places .
10 I am writing to confirm our order for a 500mm print of a regional mosaic of Wales for reproduction on the front cover of our summer magazine , Rural Wales .
11 Mr Knox has consistently denied previous reports that Scottish Amicable was seeking to increase its stake in the Bank of Edinburgh .
12 Thousands have been denied the right to life in Northern Ireland and Great Britain as a result of a body of dedicated terrorists seeking to impose their will upon the nation .
13 Convex Computer Corp is seeking to undercut its competition with a new entry-level , upgradeable minisupercomputer , the C3800-ES , the first machine , the company claims , to offer GaAs technology to the low end market .
14 An old man ( the teacher in role ) is refusing to sell his house to the railway company ; everybody else in the town is keen for the railway to come through — and if he does n't sell , the company will choose an alternative route .
15 Corrupt border-officials collude with importers of dubious goods wanting to grease their way into the country .
16 I 'M writing to express my disagreement with the Irish League-IFA on the allocation of venues for cup semi-finals and finals .
17 Leaving aside the question as to whether the State and reformers were successful in affecting young people , the process itself was instrumental in creating a new image for youth , one which in common with so many of its other images , emphasized incapacity while seeking to deepen its dependence on the appropriate agencies .
18 He resumes his inventory of all the hit acts he 's signed and the propositions he 's declined from budding Madonnas wanting to sleep their way to the top .
19 Gaston Flosse , President of French Polynesia since March 1991 , stepped down on July 13 following riots over the imposition of new taxes ordered by France , turning over his duties to Vice-President Michel Buillard ; refusing to characterize his move as a resignation , claiming that he was acting to create " the necessary distance for reflection " on the territory 's current conflict , Flosse had criticized his predecessor , Alexandre Leontieff , for forcing the unpopular measure through the territory 's Assembly .
20 He wrote to the CVCP , in fact , explaining that the CNAA would be considering courses ‘ in Education ’ , that it intended to approach the whole question with care , and that although the Council ‘ was not taking the initiative in seeking to extend its work in the field of Education , several colleges of education had made informal approaches which could not be ignored …
21 Between exercises he tried to keep his mind occupied in a number of ways : reciting every poem he could ever remember , pretending to dictate his autobiography to an invisible stenographer so that he could go over everything that had ever happened to him in his twenty-one years .
22 The welcome sound of the fire brigade 's siren sent people scattering to allow its access across the grass to the blazing house .
23 Now Informix is pushing to get its share of the PC-local area network market with the launch of its Desktop Strategy — a set of ‘ complementary integration products ’ .
24 If we assume that this ratio is stable and repeat our earlier point that banks will normally be looking to expand their lending as a source of profit , then it follows fairly obviously that a change in the availability of base money to banks must be matched by a change in the size of the total balance sheet and that this latter change must be some multiple of the change in the size of the base .
25 It was therefore natural for Keynes 's interpreters to infer that the supply curve of labour was horizontal at an arbitrarily given money wage rate for all levels of employment up to full employment : after all , an implication of the unwillingness of workers to accept a wage cut is that they are refusing to supply their labour at a lower money wage .
26 Quantum chemistry has the potential to open up a limitless horizon of opportunity for chemists and mathematicians wanting to develop their understanding of the nature and scope of chemical bonding .
27 By the end of May , Vagnorius , refusing to explain his resignation to the Supreme Council , was still Prime Minister , albeit in an acting capacity .
28 In the worst cases they have even lost the right to grow up in loving and secure homes , seeking to earn their living on the street or separated from their families by war and civil conflict .
29 When , after that , we used to hear controversy about Dr Paisley and later heard about his imprisonment in 1966 , because of that afternoon when we heard the gospel preached with power and conviction , we found ourselves tending to take his side in the controversy .
30 When the idea hit the streets , we at Guitarist were unanimous in wanting to throw our weight behind the project .
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