Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv prt] to the [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 A way of starting in shallow water that involves stepping on to the board with the rig already in the sailing position .
2 The library was a comfortable brown room with tall windows to floor level and doors opening on to the terrace with its crumbling balustrade and ornamental urns .
3 If I 'm going down to the pub with my mates , I will probably just wear jeans but , again , I 'll wear a nice shirt and smart shoes .
4 Yeah , I saw , I passed him this morning going down to the garage with some wood
5 They began to look for more drink and the Junior showed his initiative by going up to the off-licence with the Porter and bringing back armfuls of the stuff .
6 And Mrs Fawcett came rushing up to the hospital with the perfect solution : she lent me a battery-operated portable radio .
7 The idea of going out to the suburb with the dog track , and confronting the confusions and embarrassments of his past life with the formidable armoury of maturity and understanding that he now possesses , appears suddenly very sweet .
8 The other thing is that of course , going back to the competition with price , these holidays were n't that expensive .
9 Now , going back to the incident with the door .
10 Going back to the man with the pushbike .
11 I 'm going back to the opticians with the , the new glasses I got are still flipping worse than these !
12 thought it should be in there cos it 's normally Okay now all that happens here if you if you think of it going back to the picture with the the magnets or the electrostatic charges or or bonds whatever you like to think of it .
13 After one more roundabout and one more tune , we drove through the compound gates , drawing up to the house with ringing ears and a mild sense of both exhaustion and satisfaction .
14 This done , she whipped up a piece of tape , which she tied some inches from the bottom ; then , while still holding on to the hair with one hand , her other hand shot out and pulled open a drawer from which she grabbed a pair of large scissors .
15 While she was wondering this , holding on to the rail with a wet slippery hand , feeling the heat rise and thicken , the train belched again and this movement , much more powerful than before , shifted and heaved the people around her to enclose her in a kind of human tide .
16 Stalking on to the stage with the proud air of a Red Indian chief , Surkov was the only dissenting speaker .
17 ‘ So he 'll be popping up to the palace with the rest of them , to pick up his medals . ’
18 On such a morning , I remember dressing in a freezing bedroom , then coming down to the kitchen with its brightly flaming coal fire , dad having been up much earlier to coax the sleeping embers to life .
19 Coming down to the wire with FileNet imaging , WorkFlo products
20 A good deal of this is false but it is now clear that Antony has a much better ‘ grip ’ on the crowd than Brutus has , as his language is simpler , clearer and more direct , his ideas are coming over to the crowd with a much greater force .
21 She said that a tree expert had been consulted and was coming back to the council with advice on the breadth of a ‘ stand-off ’ zone to ensure no damage to the beech roots .
22 Joey Beauchamp and Jim Magilton … there 's speculation that Brian Horton is coming back to the Manor with his Manchester City cheque book let's ask him
23 Two detective constables walked in and listened eagerly to the latest gossip , glancing over to the superintendent with new animation in their eyes .
24 The USA on April 10 issued an injunction against Iraq to cease all military activity north of the 36th parallel , encompassing an area bordered by a line just south of Mosul ( but excluding the oil producing area around Kirkuk ) , and reaching up to the border with Turkey .
25 As the younger one was reaching up to the mantlepiece with the flowers , her frock caught fire ; her sister ran to her aid , and soon both girls were engulfed in the flames .
26 Bénezet was sauntering back to the guesthall with his gleanings , when he observed Brother Jerome rounding the box hedge from the garden , head down and in a hurry .
27 An elderly lady who owned one of the bigger villas , Mrs Richards was a well-known figure on the complex , trotting along to the sauna with her parasol shielding her face from the hot sun , and eating paella regularly at Don Pedro 's restaurant before taking a dip in the pool .
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