Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv prt] from [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Could you repeat the bit about the insect-headed aliens gazing down from the spinning globules of light ?
2 When this happens it is time to celebrate and consider all the various offers raining in from the major labels .
3 When the Gruagach had come storming down from the Northern Wastes and attacked Tara and stolen away the Wolfking 's son , Tara 's heir , the people of the half-world of the forest had vanished , afraid and timid .
4 Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder and the heavens burst sending us scuttling into the woods for shelter , but it was n't long before the rain got through and drenched us with miniature Niagaras that came cascading down from the broad leaves .
5 And because pollarding has not been carried out , tall , heavy shoots are growing up from the ancient trunks , which are usually rotten and hollow inside , and these too often either split or simply collapse " .
6 Parts of the county are still sobering up from the unprecedented celebrations .
7 Fenella remembered the houses on Renascia and how they had nearly always had sculleries and washing houses jutting out from the main rooms .
8 Nowadays they 're holidaymakers ponytrekking … once they would have been shepherds riding down from the Welsh mountains .
9 But at the time of the Tughluks , when the gridded lines of now-collapsed rubble were bustling streets and bazaars , armouries and elephant stables , all rising up from the glittering waters of the lake , then the sight must have been breathtaking .
10 The New City of Craigavon is taking many of these extra people , as well as some who are moving out from the older areas of Belfast which are being rebuilt .
11 From his new station he could see the three lakes — Loweswater , Crummock Water and Buttermere — lined up in the valley like three barges ready to be towed down to the shore ; he could see the bivouac huts of some woodmen and he spotted more than one flock coming down from the high pastures — but Mary chided him .
12 But coming in from the shabby streets outside , which smell of coal and cement dust and Wartburg exhausts , the effect is of life and excitement .
13 The children who are coming up from the primary schools to secondary schools are going through a change themselves , and it would be such a broad area that we could integrate Science , English , Maths and everything under that sort of umbrella .
14 All gullies , whether they take waste water from upstairs fittings ( via a hopper head ) or waste from kitchen sinks , must have traps to prevent smells coming up from the underground drains .
15 Add to this a language problem , surround the ship with smaller fishing vessels and throw liberal quantities of slimy mackerel underfoot , anchor it in a remote Scottish loch with vicious squalls of wind and rain roaring down from the surrounding hills , try working for days on end with very little sleep in these conditions and you have some idea of our difficulties .
16 She would in fact be taking over from a male contracts officer who would be leaving the company in four months ' time .
17 They may also come to contract for the community health and care services their patients need , taking over from the social services departments or competing with them .
18 She was called upon , day after day , to sustain Mrs Browning in her awful anxiety and she did it willingly , dragging out from the furthermost corners of her memory evidence of Miss Henrietta s strength and fortitude together with examples of women of whom she had heard who had survived this disease .
19 Here , on all sides where this softer rock breaks or underlies the surface , streams flowing down from the upper slopes , aided and abetted by heavy rain , have , ever since the landscape was formed , been slowly penetrating the ground and eroding a honeycomb of underground caverns and passages of amazing dimensions .
20 Along the western edge of the valley were tumbling glaciers and high rock ramparts sweeping up from the great moraines and scree slopes to culminate in lofty , snowcapped summits .
21 So they risked all , and late one night when she heard a low whistle she rose from her straw pallet in the lower scullery and crept out of the house ; and when Tristram had climbed over the wall , she gave herself to him there on the midnight grass with the summer moon blazing down through the trees and the scent of honey wafting up from the silent hives .
22 Following on from the above arguments , the two types of ‘ Internal Market ’ , Type I and Type 11 , will now be examined to determine their respective implications , according to the following criteria ( see Table 1 ) :
23 Threadgill led Middlesbrough and Cleveland to team victory , following on from the junior boys team success , when the club provided the first four runners home , spearheaded by Alan Aitchison .
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