Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] the [noun pl] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Jonathan Russell , 27 , fell after climbing on to the battlements to take photographs .
2 A SHOP 'S vintage hangover cure is proving so popular that regular users are walking in off the streets to take it at £1 a shot .
3 In large-scale national surveys , as carried out regularly by market research firms and government agencies , interviews may be carried out over the whole country and the people who have the task of making the analysis of several hundred or thousand schedules can not possibly be for ever phoning through to the interviewers to ask what some cryptic little scribble opposite question number 15 is supposed to mean .
4 Another very common action is pushing down on the legs to propel the body upwards .
5 Or , for instance , the floating roadway where traffic was going down on the barges to go across the river , it would be well worth any particular company to have a word with the officer on the floating roadway to let their vehicles through first .
6 At first you will only be able to crouch down on the board , but as you get used to pulling down on the booms to pull yourself up again , you will be able to get lower .
7 Sunday morning say the start of the ladies ' competition with St Albans A and Mutineers going through to the semis to play St Albans B and Woodmill respectively , the latter two having been given byes to this stage .
8 Des transmits that he found me , and I say that I 'm going over to the flats to see what 's happening , but both Des and the radio warn me off .
9 However , as part of a pan-European transport network it could have a major effect by breaking down to the deterrents to trade imposed by national frontiers .
10 Forget about strolling down to the shops to get a newspaper or sauntering in the park with the family on Sundays .
11 Harry had come into the lower doorway at the right time , and was moving up between the tables to take his normal place among the young fellows of knightly family , his peers .
12 Corbett bowed respectfully and , pushing by the labourers and other villeins coming in from the fields to break their fasts , went out of the Galilee Gate , across the track and into the woods .
13 By 1930 , from 400,000 to 450,000 people were travelling in from the suburbs to work in Paris : 180,000 into the Gares Saint-Lazare , Montparnasse , and des Invalides , 90,000 into the Gare du Nord , 85,000 into the Gares de l'Est and de la Bastille , and 45,00 into the Gares d'Austerlitz , d'Orsay , and de Lyon .
14 As she reached the bottom of the stairs , Araminta herself waylaid her , coming out of the shadows to place herself in the companion 's way .
15 For a few seconds they encouraged the dogs to sniff and lick the blood — to reaffirm their hunting instinct — then , shouting and waving their arms , they sent them scurrying back to the shadows to wait for bones and other bits of debris .
16 How stop myself swinging down through the branches to help unload her little car ?
17 At lunchtime Desmond had n't been able to place his usual bets because she 'd sent him haring back to the digs to see if an urgent letter had arrived .
18 DESPITE the confirmation by the Irish-owned Jordan Formula One team that Marco Apicella will replace Thierry Boutsen in Sunday 's Italian Grand Prix at Monza , Ulster driver Eddie Irvine is standing by in the wings to take over later in the season .
19 Now that a reaction is setting in , Mr Gorbachev is leaning back towards the conservatives to keep his balance .
20 Then I 'd go striding off across the moors to get the both of us out of your hair for a bit , what do you say ?
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