Example sentences of "[v-ing] [det] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We 're using that trust fund as collateral for a loan of two hundred thousand to buy the Golf Course and the golf course to make it profit profitable , and so the bank are now in the process of now selling it back to them , what they 're offering ,
2 Opposing that essentialist version of homosexuality is an analysis which , drawing above all on the work of Foucault , sees homosexuality as a social construction , culturally and historically specific , sensitive to cultural and historical change .
3 Check all functions are operating correctly by pressing each selection button in sequence then close the cabinet and wipe the exterior .
4 So you 've , is there then a choice between going for socialism now , going straight into collectivization or delaying it and keeping that end product in sight ?
5 The essential point , then , is that one person 's ‘ common sense ’ is somebody else 's nonsense , and there are numerous examples of sociological and anthropological investigation questioning and exploding many common-sense notions about behaviour .
6 This was in part a response to an upsurge in militant opposition to food shortages and profiteering which was simultaneously driving many trade unionists into cooperation .
7 The key worker is responsible for monitoring the plan worked out to protect the child , and for co-ordinating all interagency activity in order to make sure it is carried out .
8 The evaluators ' impression of the panel 's work is of a number of talented and committed individuals , representing several interest groups within education and the library services but sharing a common interest in developing effective learning , who have managed to achieve much in the absence of a really effective committee .
9 First , it normally includes ( and therefore the COB Rules regulate ) dealings as principal , even if they are technically not investment business because of the exemption for qualifying own account transactions in para 17 of Sched 1 to the FSA .
10 It met with some success , and on 19 June 1890 the Kensington Burial Board discussed the possibility of the Guardians of the Poor using such wicker baskets for pauper burials , but the Board of Guardians declined owing to their cost .
11 Figure 5.17(b) was produced by replacing each pixel value in Figure 5.17(a) by the average of the pixel values in a 7 pixel by 5 line box centred on that pixel ; this is called a moving average filter .
12 The central idea of the Town and Country Planning Act was to make possible the control of development without incurring charges for compensation , by the device of nationalising all development rights in advance .
13 It adjusts itself to road conditions , switching each shock absorber from firm to soft in just 150 milliseconds .
14 It also brought Victorian attitudes dictating that dancing lessons in dance schools were more acceptable than dancing at large public Assemblies .
15 It is likely to come about only as a consequence of a general election yielding a majority for no single party thus putting a minority party favouring change in a strong position to secure it as a price for joining or supporting another minority party in government .
16 If the target State is a party to any of the relevant conventions , humanitarian intervention can be categorised as a means of enforcing those treaty obligations on behalf of the victims .
17 The House will expect me to apologise again for the remarks that I injudiciously made when I was trying to illustrate a simple point — that , with the private sector providing more rail services in future , I hope that a range of choice will be available to the travelling public in terms of price and time of day , rather like that provided by the airlines and the long-distance coach market .
18 The difficulty facing any county politician in relation to the collectorship of the cess was his inability to please everyone .
19 Such a mass outflow from the nuclear region of NGC4258 can not be ruled out , because strong radio continuum emission and optical jets or bubbles are emitted from the nucleus , indicating some outflow mechanism at work in the region .
20 For example , if you had n't spent so much on a ‘ super duper ’ multi-flange guitar pedal , you could have made a profit by having more band T-shirts on sale at your gigs .
21 One of the biggest obstacles to an efficient industrial society is the instinctive feeling that equates emitting less carbon dioxide with privation — using less energy , producing less and losing profits .
22 What it did for David was have the same mushrooming effect , creating this balloon image of star power — all that staying at The Plaza and The Beverley Hills Hotel did .
23 I was reading some gimcrack book about economics , full of those pictograms that fall half-way between diagrams and drawings , when I heard the thudding of a diesel engine running under the roar of the gale coming in off the sea and over the whirr of the fan heater that was marinading my feet .
24 The computer will evaluate an expression taking this priority order into account .
25 ( This emphasises the point that before accepting any cheque proof of identity should be sought . )
26 The Corporation will indemnify any person using any motor car in respect of which indemnity is provided under this Policy against liability under the Road Traffic Acts to pay for emergency treatment of injuries caused by or arising out of the use of such car in any territory to which any of such Acts applies .
27 One mechanical method of generating a range of switching angles is to use a fine resolution optical encoder producing several position pulses per step , but this is prohibitively expensive for small step.angle motors ; a 200 steps per revolution motor would need a 1600 counts per revolution encoder to give a choice of 8 switching angles .
28 Where we are reimbursing another insurance company in respect of their outlay it is not necessary to obtain sight of the original invoice .
29 He had carried his bat through the innings , the first to do so for England at Lord 's , thus winning another campaign medal of note .
30 This in part reflects the view of a majority of colleges that they have now reached the optimum size for operating as a cohesive academic unit and do not envisage any growth of total student numbers ( although of these a significant proportion has indicated that they wish to change the ‘ mix ’ of students , by admitting more graduate students in place of undergraduates ) .
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