Example sentences of "[v-ing] [num] [noun] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Burgess got himself caught for speeding three times in the same day , caused a deliberate rumpus with his inimitable flair for trouble-making , and departed under an engineered cloud .
2 You will therefore be put in the position of paying two mortgages at the same time for a short period .
3 The last contingent of 160 officers and men of the Parachute Battalion of the Indian Army left the Maldives on Nov. 3 , 1989 , a year after a detachment totalling 1,200 men of the same unit had intervened at the request of the Maldivian President , Abdul Gayoom , to put down an attempted coup [ see p. 36350 ] .
4 This could be described as a hybrid Bill and , in a sense , we are considering two questions at the same time .
5 For joining two pipes of the same size together .
6 And in fact it is as if we 're having , it is if George is actually having two conversations at the same time .
7 PC Robert Hamilton , 33 , of Westcott Road , South Shields , also pleaded not guilty to assaulting two policemen on the same day .
8 Write about some features of presentation which are used to achieve identifiable purposes , such as to inform , to regulate , to reassure or to persuade , in non-literary and media texts , showing some ability to form a considered opinion — eg when comparing two reports of the same event .
9 The dual principle of minimum complementary energy applies for non-equilibrium strains comparing two situations under the same surface tractions .
10 At the root of this divide , as Pugin and Dickens both perceive , lie mechanical production and the profit motive , both of which are reflected in many details of the drawing , and are summed up in the subject of the lecture , advertised by the ‘ Mechanicks Institute ’ , ‘ on a new designing machine capable of making 1000 changes with the same set of ornaments ’ .
11 In other words , it is not arbitrary that the wolf and dog are closer to one another than either is to the cat , but it is to some extent arbitrary whether one recognizes some given degree of similarity by placing two species in the same genus , or in the same family .
12 Receiving two images of the same area allows greater detail to be picked out and improves sensitivity when the light is poor .
13 I had a good job as an electronics engineer and have just been given three months notice , losing all my pension rights after working 26 years for the same company .
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