Example sentences of "[v-ing] [coord] [v-ing] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Virtually everybody involved in administering or advising on the tax was influenced by his work .
2 Make sure they are treated with a wood preservative before nailing or screwing to the frame .
3 There is a real risk of mice , especially young animals , drowning or dying from the effects of a soaking if a bottle or nozzle of an automatic system leaks .
4 These included conciliatory actions such as showing concern for , comforting , helping or apologizing to the other .
5 Will there be more than one of you cooking or working in the kitchen at any one time ?
6 all consequences suffered by the Carrier ( including but not limited to claims , demands , proceedings , fines , penalties , damages , costs , expenses , and loss of or damage to the carrying vehicle and to other goods carried ) of any error , omission , mis-statement or misrepresentation by the Trader or other owner of the goods or by any servant or agent of either of them , insufficient or improper packing , labelling or addressing of the goods or fraud as in Condition 10 :
7 It seems natural to regard dishonestly keeping or dealing with the property as theft ( as it is now in the case of bailees ) .
8 " Capital sum " for these purposes has the same meaning as in s677. ( b ) Associated payments In relation to any capital sum paid to the settlor by a body corporate the expression " associated payment " means : ( i ) any capital sum paid to that body by the trustees of the settlement ; and ( ii ) any other sum paid or asset transferred to that body by those trustees which is not paid or transferred for full consideration in money or money 's worth being a sum paid or asset transferred in the five years ending or beginning with the date on which the capital sum is paid to the settlor ( s678(3) ) .
9 When the children were older , Green took them out on longer walks , when he was painting or drawing in the hills , and occasionally took one of them on one of his excursions , when he would stay away from Ambleside for a week or more .
10 Robin and Jenny were the ones who had adventures , fell walking or sailing on the lake , always coming home with hair-raising stories ; but nothing ever happened to Ruth .
11 ‘ That you ’ Means the person driving or riding on the motor bicycle , i.e. the identity .
12 A lip is not needed on the underside to form a key to the adhesive ; however , tonguing and grooving on the edges will help to locate the blocks during laying , maintain an even surface and reduce the possibility of loosening of individual blocks .
13 She stared at the creature twisting and wriggling in the glass .
14 The more the men whistled , the more ribald their remarks , the faster she walked ; but the faster she walked , the more of a sexual object , or sexual quarry , she became , twisting and turning between the rows of benches ( for she soon lost her bearings ) , stumbling over piles of metal parts , skidding on the oily floor , her cheeks as red as her hair , the wings of her nostrils white , her eyes fixed steadfastly ahead , refusing to meet the gaze of her tormentors. ‘ 'Allo , darlin' , lookin' for me ?
15 And now the children also saw the long thin slimy yellow-bellied lizard-like creature twisting and turning in the glass , and they squirmed and jumped about as well , shouting , ‘ What is it ?
16 Now it was leaping and hopping among the grass tussocks , striking at the two rabbits with terrible darts of its head .
17 ‘ It sprang from the tightness of his jeans , leaping and rearing from the shorts that draped it .
18 Leonard spent hours walking and cycling around the neighbourhood looking for it .
19 He did a lot of walking now — walking and going to the pictures .
20 We 're going off ! ’ screams every nerve of the BSM graduate 's 25 years of road driving as Brundle approaches the first corner at more than 120 mph and heels the car , its tyres wailing and jouncing on the limits of their purchase , across the corner .
21 Mary tottered up on her perch from side to side but nothing wiped the mild , sweet benignity from her doll 's face as she dropped the dew of her mercy down from heaven on the mortal exiles below wailing and weeping in the vale of tears .
22 She leaned on the files , making her sleeves grey with dust , looking up at the pale blue patches appearing and disappearing above the rooftops outside the window .
23 Example 2:16 Exceptions and reservations Excepting and reserving to the landlord : ( 1 ) Easement rights and privileges over the demised property corresponding to those expressly granted to the tenant over the other parts of the building ( 2 ) The right to build on develop deal with use any adjoining or neighbouring property retained by the landlord in such manner as he thinks fit even though the amenity of the demised property or the access of light or air thereto may be lessened thereby and without making any compensation to the tenant ( 3 ) The right at reasonable times and on reasonable notice ( except in emergency ) to enter the demised property for the purposes of ( i ) inspecting the condition and state of repair thereof ; ( ii ) carrying out any works ( whether of repair or otherwise ) for which the landlord or the tenant is liable under this lease ( iii ) carrying out any works ( whether of repair or otherwise ) to any property adjoining the demised property or to any party structure sewer drain or other thing used by the tenant in common with others ( iv ) measuring testing or valuing the demised property ( including the right to take samples of materials and to open up parts of the demised property which would otherwise be inaccessible ) but making good any damage caused by such an entry ( 4 ) The right for the landlord and the other tenants of the building to pass through the demised property in case of fire or other emergency Example 2:17 Definition of service pipes ' " service pipe " means any pipe , drain , sewer , flue , duct , gutter , wire , cable , optic fibre , conduit , channel or other means of passage or transmission of water , soil , gas , air , smoke , electricity , light , information or other matter and all ancillary equipment or structures
24 The Landlord demises to the Tenant the Premises Together with the rights specified in the second Schedule but Excepting and reserving to the Landlord the rights specified in the third Schedule To hold the Premises to the Tenant for the Contractual Term Subject to all rights easements privileges restrictions covenants and stipulations of whatever nature affecting the Premises [ including the matters contained or referred to in the seventh Schedule ] Yielding and paying to the Landlord :
25 She had slept badly , tossing and turning in the heat though the room had been cool enough .
26 Unfortunately , Hoving became rapidly intoxicated with his own power and was incapable of maintaining the balance between forcefulness and arrogance , between populism and vulgarity ; between protecting and caring for the art under the Met 's roof and blithely selling it heedless of scholars or donors .
27 monitoring of the environment The Soviet government has announced a decision to take part in global ecological monitoring by both utilising and contributing to the UN Environment Programme 's GRID database .
28 For my three children , walking , toddling and cycling in the park has become a much more pleasant experience .
29 In other corners and other rooms , dozens of other topics floated gaily on the lively , slightly choppy waters , their pennants bobbing and fluttering in the end-of-year , the terminal breeze : the approaching steel strike , the brave new era of threatened privatization , the abuse of North Sea oil resources , the situation in Afghanistan , the Annan report , the prospect of a fourth television channel , the viability of Charles 's attempt to conquer the United States , the Cambridge Apostles , the disarray of the Labour Party , the deplorable vogue for Buck 's Fizz as a party drink , the Yorkshire Ripper , the Harrow Road murderer , the Prince of Wales .
30 Bobbing and bobbing at the well-wall
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