Example sentences of "[v-ing] [coord] [verb] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , Hoving became rapidly intoxicated with his own power and was incapable of maintaining the balance between forcefulness and arrogance , between populism and vulgarity ; between protecting and caring for the art under the Met 's roof and blithely selling it heedless of scholars or donors .
2 I used a small spray of birds-foot trefoil , and although in the finished picture it seems as though it has been pressed just as it was picked , in fact the majority of the piece was dismantled for pressing and reassembled for the picture .
3 ( FCA ) of having been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulation 6.03 in that the firm at Shipley between 16 March 1989 and 12 March 1991 sent business letters relating to its investment business without bearing the legend ‘ Authorised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales to carry on investment business ’ contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.02 and in that the firm at Shipley between 9 September 1988 and 1 October 1989 entered or required its Principal to enter into an association or arrangement with a person which might result in the defendant being constrained or induced to refer or introduce a client to a person who was not an independent intermediary with a view to that person giving investment advice contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.03 and in that the firm at Shipley between 16 March 1986 and 31 October 1989 failed before recommending or effecting for a client a transaction in units in an authorised unit trust or a recognised collective investment scheme , to take reasonable steps to establish that other more advantageous or suitable policies or units were not available contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.11 and in that the firm at Shipley between 1 November 1989 and 16 October 1991 having given advice to a client which was such that when acted upon it resulted in commission being received by the defendant , failed to notify the said client in writing of the amount and terms of such commission as soon as that information was available , contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.32 was reprimanded , fined £3,000 and ordered to pay £500 by way of costs .
4 She had tried to locate him for over two years , in both America and Canada , where John had been living and working for a number of years .
5 The rest of the Parish Council were unanimous in opposing the granting of a licence for music , singing and dancing for the Priory Restaurant function room Snowhill , Scorton for the following reasons :
6 At the coal face , the butties were responsible for the actual mining processes , overseen by colliery company officials ; the butties were in charge of organizing and paying for the winning of coal , though not in all cases for its transport to the pithead .
7 Behind a door , they could hear an audience shuffling , coughing and waiting for a show to start .
8 The demand must also specify someone with whom the debtor can communicate with a view to securing or compounding for the debt to the creditor 's satisfaction or , as the case may be , establishing to the creditor 's satisfaction that there is a reasonable prospect that the debt will be paid when it falls due .
9 The falsificationist sees science as a set of hypotheses that are tentatively proposed with the aim of accurately describing or accounting for the behaviour of some aspect of the world or universe .
10 With a practised hand , she threw back her veil , joining him as once more they faced the congregation , which was waiting and watching for every move , every twitch of facial expression .
11 As he had always suspected , she was just waiting and watching for an opportunity to rip him to pieces .
12 ‘ Well , if you must know , that I 'm just waiting and hoping for the chance to marry you some day . ’
13 Meanwhile Millie 's mistress , frustrated at being parted from the family she had devoted herself to rearing and longing for the freedom to travel and relax , stayed loyal to her husband 's ambitions .
14 He was an arch-conservative , indeed , striving and planning for an imperium that would promote both the papacy and Christianity .
15 Book-destroyers of this kind , especially when they blatantly advertise their wares as suitable for breaking and framing for an inn , a billiard room or boudoir , act only in the cause of financial gain and have no respect for the qualities to be found in a complete book .
16 Friends came in for a drink and a snack and kept on coming and going for the rest of the day , which was useful as well as friendly because they brought their appetites with them , and most of the refreshments were disposed of .
17 Why do n't you stop ranting and raving for a minute and start being honest with yourself ? ’
18 They pace together through the forest in silence , scanning the canopy intently , sometimes stopping and listening for the calls of colobus .
19 As always , Swindon piled on the pressure , racing , chasing and challenging for every ball , and shooting when they had the chance .
20 He thinks of his show — 6am until 9am — like a relationship ‘ in that it 's constantly changing and looking for a balance .
21 ‘ I sometimes thought I got fobbed off , but everybody is out there campaigning and competing for the money , ’ said Ms Hinchliffe .
22 Again in Hillington you have a multi-disciplinary team , selecting and preparing for the move , planning care , providing key worker services .
23 ‘ I 'm on my feet a lot of the day — washing and cooking for a man keeps me busy ’
24 And reducing the amount of time spent on figures enables them to concentrate on reviewing and forecasting for the group .
25 It would , he had informed her at their first meeting , be mostly a matter of watching and listening for the moment .
26 there , there , there be fighting and shoving and pushing for the power and then it says there that it will look as though the , the north king will take all over , all over the what , what spread all over the earth and then it says gradually he will go right back to his ho go home , gradually will be stepping back , right back to his home and there 's going to be no helper for him
27 They 're a mile from the nearest road and accessible only by foot , unless of course you 're one of the thousands of seabirds wheeling and jostling for a place on the rocky ledges .
28 What an extraordinary suggestion , to put forward a girl — a charity child who was not a Sister , a novice , a postulant , nor anyone with the remotest intention of becoming a nun — and raise her up above the many Sisters in the Community who were all hoping and praying for a chance of higher education … what would they feel if a girl who had already been pampered , it seemed , by the convent in Knockglen , were put in to study , over their heads ?
29 In September 1953 Curran became the BBC 's first internally selected administrative trainee , visiting or working for a time in different departments of the BBC in and out of London and assisting in the preparation of the BBC 's first personnel manual .
30 Composers Pen is ideally suited to the serious musician who is arranging or composing for a choir , brass-band or orchestra but not for commercial publication .
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