Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adj] [noun sg] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Again , if you are using fine yarn for the main part of the garment , add an extra strand of yarn for the welt if necessary .
2 " Where I , or more persons who are present together use or threaten unlawful violence for a common purpose and the conduct of them ( taken together ) is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety , each of the persons using unlawful violence for the common purpose is guilty of riot . "
3 The old sunset-defying British Empire stands out even better , and it so happens that the main fossiliferous parts of it fall on a non-equatorial great circle , thereby providing ample ammunition for the polar wanderers .
4 ‘ It is a case of killing two birds with one stone , with the added advantage of the contractor providing unified management for the entire chain of planning , acquisition and processing , ’ he said .
5 Humphrey 's research on workers in the Brazilian motor industry in the 1970s shows that , in this particular case , a group of relatively highly paid workers in a modern sector of the economy did not behave as a labour aristocracy , but took on a vanguard role in providing political leadership for the working class as a whole ( Humphrey 1982 ) .
6 Held motionless in zero gravity by the robots with no input of information whatever , the three had been undergoing sensory deprivation for the past hour .
7 It develops 53 bhp providing identical performance for the basic 14D Echo three- and five-door cars and the 14TZD .
8 The basic obligation of GEMMs is " to make on demand and in any trading conditions , continuous and effective two-way prices at which they stand committed to deal in appropriate size … thereby providing continuous liquidity for the investing public " .
9 Roger Wilson , TEC 's quality projects director , said : ‘ The task of achieving simultaneous accreditation for the entire operation was enormous . ’
10 The Catholic Church has long insisted on its right of making due provision for the full range of the educational needs of its community and has invested heavily in making such provision .
11 While Europe quibbled , the US Department of Energy scored a coup by winning international support for the seven-year-old LOFT facility .
12 Even when making full allowance for the cultural context and resource limitations , nearly all independent commentators agree that , at least until very recently , conditions in Indian prisons have been appalling .
13 He then sewed the sail using invisible thread for the appliquéd dress and body colours before he added a frame .
14 It is planning comprehensive legislation for the disabled , encompassing their education , training , employment and right of equal participation .
15 He assisted Marsh up the steps to the box and , seating him in the signalman 's battered but comfortable old armchair , reported the incident to the train control , requesting medical assistance for the unfortunate guard who was obviously unable to continue his dunes .
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