Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adj] [noun] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 In experiments using British schoolchildren of the same age as Barron 's , selected according to similar criteria for being classified as " good " or " poor " readers , we have found that on a variety of tasks the poorer readers do show an ability to use the phonological codes for printed words ( Briggs and Underwood , 1982 ; Underwood and Briggs , 1984 ) .
2 Using Different Subjects from the Same Batch ( Experiment 7 )
3 It is hoped that international comparisons will throw further light upon the availability of alternative ways of applying new technology within the same sectors of activity .
4 Collect the animals from the soils on the same day using separate funnels at the same time , one for each soil .
5 It is basically a hobby for , as he has no interest in clubs or competitions , although he would now like to try some ‘ stacking ’ This involves , as the name suggests , attaching extra kites to the same line , considerably increasing the pull of the kite .
6 Instead academic publishers compete in duplication the same market , publishing different editions of the same small selection of writing .
7 On the other hand it must be remembered that a more rapid turnover of light industry ( production of essential articles ) permits its capital also to be used to build up heavy industry , whilst developing light industry at the same time .
8 Some insects , for example , emit a pheromone as an alarm signal , warning other members of the same species of impending danger .
9 There they find all they need-food and water , protection from too much heat or too much cold , space to live in , a place to hide away from animals which might eat them , and a good chance of meeting other animals of the same kind as themselves so that they can reproduce .
10 By billing different companies for the same visit to the same city , and padding each bill , Roscoe managed to clear $150,000 in income last year , $100,000 the year before .
11 Zelda West-Meads , of the marriage guidance organisation Relate , said : ‘ Thousands of couples are leading separate lives under the same roof because the slump stops them divorcing .
12 To test the appropriateness of the model by empirical study of data from leading international companies in the same or related manufacturing sectors and set up comparisons with consumer-orientated companies ( e.g. electronics , electrical goods ) .
13 We should have provision for granting supervised access to the same resources as staff .
14 For example , the author of a paper may , in citing other researchers in the same field , intentionally omit a competitor 's name .
15 Thus , for example , the student with difficulty revising , having drawn up his plan of action , agreed to work on the first item on his list and not to be side-tracked into attempting other items at the same time .
16 Finally , by postponing sexual maturity by the same token , neotenous trends in human evolution ensured that young males stayed as long as possible under the protection of the parental group before being ejected and having to begin to fend for themselves .
17 Characters can be built up as combinations of dots exactly as described above , while contour maps can be drawn by printing individual dots in the same way as a dot-matrix printer in bit-graphics mode .
18 If the four cities are labelled a , b , c and d then , in order to estimate the probability that the businessman will travel from a to b on successive days ( or c to a , or any other combination , including staying consecutive days in the same place ) then some observations of his past travel pattern are needed .
19 In considering variant realizations of the same message , we pointed out what seemed to be the stylistic values of the original and of the alternatives , and in passing gave reasons why none of the variants were quite so satisfactory as the original .
20 It is only by giving the legal meaning of a term to the courts that uniformity can be achieved , as opposed to a number of inferior bodies giving diverse interpretations of the same term .
21 Shut down programs that you are not using and avoid running multiple copies of the same thing !
22 Everybody , on planets all over the Galaxy , was dancing round fires at the same time .
23 The Children Act 1989 bringing disabled children into the same system as children in care , will provide an opportunity for a much needed impetus to research and to development in policies and practice concerning disabled children .
24 Most of the surveys showing that unemployed people are less healthy than the employed are cross-sectional in nature ( comparing different people at the same time , rather than following the changes in people 's lives over a period of time ) .
25 They agree that a regular comparison of notes with primary schools ( which they have always enjoyed , if at lower intensity than presently ) improves all their pupils ' chances of entering secondary school by the same starting gate .
26 Similar results have been reported from other studies using filmed events in the same way , with arousal being manipulated by the violence of the incident depicted in the film ( Clifford & Hollin , 1981 ; Clifford & Scott , 1978 ) .
27 One of the 18th century bylaws was ‘ that no person corrupt the town beck by letting into it stinking or hurtful water or washing unwholesome things in the same . ’
28 ‘ She was good at playing abstract confusion in the same way that a midget is good at being short ’ — Clive James on Marilyn Monroe .
29 A fair employer will already have given thought to the alternatives to redundancy , perhaps even contacting other companies within the same group to see whether vacancies exist elsewhere .
30 On the one hand , there is certainly a resistance to change and to new ideas ; academics appear quite happy to continue teaching the same old syllabuses as if there had been no ‘ explosion ’ ( Dr P 's word ) in English studies ; at the same time , there is no resistance to allowing other people within the same department to teach quite different things to students , and to do quite different types of research .
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