Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , the fewer carp competing for the available food the better the chance of reaching a worthwhile size .
2 ( China , while not using its veto , nevertheless abstained , thus breaching for the first time the unanimity of the five permanent members of the Security Council in supporting resolutions on the Gulf crisis .
3 Her heart still pounding nineteen to the dozen , she looked over towards the window , seeing for the first time a familiar , powerfully-built figure standing there .
4 Hardly aware of the chill she paced restlessly along the bank , seeing for the first time the way the dew crisped to frost along each blade of grass until the parkland veered from dark to grey to an ephemeral diamond enchantment .
5 But now she looked around her , really seeing for the first time the humming activity of the fruit and vegetable market , breathing in the aromatic smells , noticing how charming the open square was , with its border of pizza stalls and cafés and bistros .
6 On unsteady legs she walked towards the painting , seeing for the first time the mischievous face of a gremlin peeping out beneath the skirt of an old lady bent double , sweeping a woodland path .
7 In those early days in our relationship , Basil was still adjusting to the Northern scene and I , a callow young teacher , encountering for the first time a man of impeccable manners , charm and sensibility .
8 The Commission would have increased powers , including for the first time the power to propose legislation in the highly-sensitive area of home affairs on such issues as the right of asylum , immigration and residency rights ( hitherto discussed at an intergovernmental level in the " Trevi group " ) .
9 I was in touch several times by telephone , and I remember noticing for the first time a slight labouring for breath on his part , which was to become increasingly marked .
10 Revealing for the first time the size of the Exchange Fund ( which guaranteed the Hong Kong dollar ) , the Financial Secretary , Hamish Macleod , announced on July 15 that at the end of 1991 foreign reserves stood at US$29,000 million , the 12th largest in the world .
11 Bufi 's " government of national stability " was announced on June 12 , including PLA members but incorporating for the first time the DP as well as the Republican Party , the Social Democratic Party and the Agrarian Party ; nine members were non-party .
12 In fact , finally on the actually opening of the complete phase the er the increase on the six five eight was on the completion at that lower section , was in fact a sixty percent increase from six thousand to nine thousand .
13 Where the local authority is to be required to adopt the roads , the developer will be given the alternative of either : ( a ) Depositing with the local authority a cash deposit covering the full estimated cost of the work .
14 He did suggest , however , ending within the next year the Temporary Provisions — the 42-year-old state of emergency which had superseded the Constitution , enhanced the draconian powers of the presidency and security agencies and frozen in office the mainland-elected members of the various deliberative assemblies pending hypothetical recovery of mainland China .
15 On July 15 the Iranian Foreign Ministry protested about the action of some 230 United Kingdom members of parliament ( MPs ) in signing on the previous day a statement supporting the exiled National Council of Resistance , which was dominated by the Mojahedin-e Khalq .
16 Applying to the inhibitory case the analysis of conditioning presented above leads to the suggestion that one of the associative links likely to be formed will be between the CS and a representation of no event .
17 With the strain of listening for the slightest sound a desperate tiredness had set in and I was having to force myself to stay awake .
18 and Q acted upon by unc and unc are essentially the same , we are meeting for the first time a concept of prime importance in algebra , namely that of isomorphism .
19 On passing into the liquid solution the chain achieves relative freedom and can now change rapidly among a multitude of possible equi-energetic conformations , dictated partly by the chain flexibility and partly by the interactions with the solvent .
20 For the skills of interacting with the physical world the procedure summarised in Table 2.6 is appropriate .
21 Writing in the eighth century the Lombard historian Paul the Deacon provides some additional information relating to the involvement of Childebert in the elevation of Tassilo as " king " of the Bavarians , confirming his influence outside Francia itself .
22 Writing in the sixth century the Gothic historian Jordanes knew of only one Roman squadron at the battle of the Catalaunian Plains .
23 It is a peculiarly appropriate irony that this should be the only poem in this group with the Our/ We form , establishing on the grammatical plane a congruence with the semantic one : seen from the outside , held up for inspection , they are united — at the level of mutual deception .
24 Again , according to Bernstein ( 1975 ) , Ball ( 1981 ) , and many more , schooling can have opposite effects on children according to whether children have been socialized into working-class or middle-class aspirations , and according to the actual way the schooling process is structured by the state , the teachers , and the subject-disciplines .
25 According to the official statement the process was delayed because the census had still to be completed and the election code had not been adopted by the HCR .
26 According to the official transcript the judge 's closing observations were as follows :
27 According to the new legislation the principal organs of power were : ( i ) the SLORC , headed by a Chairman ( currently Saw Maung ) ; and ( ii ) the government .
28 He can say that according to the correct elaboration the snail darter is saved ( or abandoned ) by the law or that Mrs. McLoughlin is compensated ( or denied compensation ) .
29 According to the above agreement the six men , the lad and two boys worked for £30 .
30 A piece of gold has solidity , extension , shape , ‘ mobility ’ ( is in motion or at rest ) , and ‘ number ’ ( is one piece ) , and according to the corpuscular theory the gold 's corpuscles have these qualities too .
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