Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] the [noun] [num ord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The solicitors at the end of the chain are asked to release their contract for a specified period of time to the solicitors acting for the buyer next in line .
2 He 'd done no more than accidentally bump against some sailors aimlessly wandering from the passage next to the warehouse .
3 For what it 's worth , I was a schoolboy visiting the [ Russian ] cruiser that afternoon after school , and was on the main deck looking over the side next to the quay , when I saw a diver ( with full deep-diving headgear ) being pulled beneath the surface by two frogmen .
4 Turning to the woman next to her , she whispered , ‘ Where is Lexy , by the way ?
5 Gwendolen , still clad in dark blue , was indefatigably marching with the party next to a most sympathetic lady .
6 The leader of this threat is Nik Aziz Nik Mat , a humble-mannered man who was elected chief minister of Kelantan after a working life spent teaching in the mosque next to his birthplace .
7 Her two hands went to her face ; then she was flying to the door next to the factory and , hammering on it , called , ‘ Tommy !
8 I can hear gentle snoring coming from the room next to mine ; one of my flat-mates .
9 Ace was lounging on the sofa next to her , his shoeless feet now resting on the table next to the coffee , Kate 's glances of distaste having been completely ignored .
10 She was kneeling on the steps next to the old iron railings that ran along the front of the terrace , her arms supporting the naked body of her little boy , and she was trembling with the effort of holding him still .
11 Then he 'd sit for a while , occasionally glancing at the figure next to him , until at last he 'd lean towards the other 's ear .
12 I 'm I think I 'm talking about the words first of all .
13 Alice had thought that a white-haired man was sitting in the chair next to her .
14 And who , sitting in the stalls next to John Hinckley at a matinee of Taxi Driver , would have guessed that their neighbour 's conclusion from watching the film was that , in order to prove his love for Jodie Foster , he must go out and shoot Ronald Reagan ?
15 Hell , I was meant to be looking after him and then you both started talking in the room next to mine .
16 In a matter of minutes , wearing the light wrap that Rosa had packed , Luce was sitting on the settee next to Michele and dialling her aunt 's number .
17 After a couple of deep breaths , she felt well enough to open her eyes , and as the mists cleared she focused on a most peculiar tableau : Jackie Tiptoe sitting on the floor next to Rose Williams , holding her hand and murmuring in her ear .
18 Maya was sitting on the bed next to me .
19 But he avoided sitting on the sofa next to her although she 'd left space .
20 AFTER a show in Los Angeles , Paula Abdul returned to her dressing-room to find her husband , Emilio Estevez , sitting on the sofa next to old flame Demi Moore .
21 Judith glanced up at the blue and white JNF money-box , with the map of Palestine embossed on its face , standing on the mantelpiece next to Molly 's letter .
22 I do n't mind you talking to the person next to you but keep the noise down please .
23 Twice , when he had run out of ideas , he had driven the little Triumph out of the district to a coffee shop where he was not known , and had sat drinking coffee and talking to the men next to him at the counter , surprised to find himself accepted as a member of the grown-up world .
24 One evening in December I gently pushed open the old kitchen door , and there , sitting by the fire next to Joe , in my old place , was — Pip !
25 Sam is right there with him , kneeling by the bed next to the aquamarine princess phone , the barrel of his gun inches from Mark 's temple .
26 Mr Beckenham remained only the one night at Merchiston Lodge , sleeping in the room next to Araminta 's , which had been made ready for him .
27 Despite this territorial expansion Theodoric was still technically a federate of the Roman Empire , working in the service first of Severus and then of Anthemius .
28 Ace was lounging on the sofa next to her , his shoeless feet now resting on the table next to the coffee , Kate 's glances of distaste having been completely ignored .
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