Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pers pn] at [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The main duty of the foresters of fee was of course the safe keeping of vert and venison : the Forest rolls show them searching for , arresting and attaching offenders , and indicting them at the Forest Eyre .
2 He picked up the books one by one , opening them at the title page , watching every movement of her pen as she signed them and commenting on the brilliance of each individual plot .
3 Hayling had introduced Casares-Roach to Walsh after meeting her at a Ford workers ' conference in Benidorm where she had been the translator .
4 When asked if it was silk he replied ‘ I think it is , ’ obligingly donning it at the cash desk to the delight of watching photographers .
5 I look forward to seeing you at the Exhibition launch at the Advice Shop on the evening of the 13th .
6 No sooner have the Doctor and Vicki gone than the erstwhile school teachers are captured by slave traders who intend selling them at the slave markets in Rome .
7 He comes over ours at Christmas and he does my head in cos he keeps on kicking me at the dinner table !
8 The plan was to let him ride Dave Leach 's 400cc machine in the first round of the Superteens last weekend and then move on to Moodie 's Yamaha for the Scot is only riding it at the North West and the TT .
9 Nadirpur spoke to his office in Monaco and left instructions for contacting him at the IAP offices in London .
10 The record at the LEA level is , as we have seen earlier , not a promising one , since LEAs have been much more effective at producing curriculum policies than at monitoring and implementing them at the school level .
11 you 'd be better of posting it at a post box when you go cos they pick them up .
12 So erm I do n't whether or not I s I still do n't think they were ultimately revolutionary , I think they were just erm people who they think were exploiting them at the time sort of erm you know in a certain situation
13 ‘ What are you going to do instead ? ’ asks Phil , chewing up little pieces of graph paper into sodden balls , and flicking them at the laboratory ceiling with a slide-rule to try and make them stick .
14 the sad news for golfers is that you 've a better chance of watching the sport than playing it at the Oxfordshire club … membership is being limited to 750 and the joining fee is twenty five thousand pounds …
15 This is not exactly a character that springs to mind watching her at the Queen Vic jumping into the sack with her husband 's brother .
16 ‘ Naw , ’ he replied angrily , crumpling up the pools coupon and throwing it at the television set .
17 Everything goes fine until , having chosen the number of blend steps ( or leaving it at the default number ) , I click on OK .
18 The Beatles were courted by leaders of both parties : Harold Wilson won , corralling them at the Variety Club luncheon of 1964 , and ensuring their MBEs for export services — in late 1965 .
19 A loss would give momentum to the idea of dumping him at the party convention in July .
20 A BUGATTI motor boat found resting in mud in France is to be flown to its wealthy owner in California next month , 10 years after work began on restoring it at a Thames boatyard .
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