Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Have you ever thought of knitting them on a larger scale ?
2 It was upstairs again , and now twenty-past eight , and she was informed by her apparent new friend that they had to join a small team to clean the toilets , which meant bringing the buckets down stairs , emptying them in the larger buckets arrayed along the wall by a side door ; then wash out each utensil under a pump and return it to its particular cubicle .
3 Even if an ineffective treatment does not in itself cause damage it may harm patients by raising false expectations or by deflecting them from a better treatment , so this criterion would leave virtually all unproved treatment open to investigation .
4 Three options for Bart 's — keeping it as a smaller specialist hospital ; closing Smithfield site with services moved ; or combined management with the Royal London and London Chest Hospitals .
5 Collecting the trowel , she bent down and began stabbing it into the bigger clumps of earth to break them up .
6 This may also mean protecting us from the seamier side of Chinese life .
7 Rodrigo marched into Valencia in triumph , only to learn that his old adversary Berenguer of Barcelona — who had never forgiven the Cid for capturing him in an earlier campaign — had formed an alliance with the Moorish lord of Lerida and El Cid 's own sometime ally Mostain of Saragossa .
8 Those Israelis whom this behaviour most appals have long been likening it to the earlier stages of Nazism , an analogy that found startling vindication with the recent disclosure that some units in the occupied territories draw on Nazi precedents for their own self-image , one calling itself the ‘ Mengele detachment ’ and another ‘ the Auschwitz company ’ .
9 to show his students the ways by which great art creates its effects , leading them to a finer appreciation and fuller response , and to help them appreciate more fully the authors ' insights , so often deeper than our own [ sic ] , contribute towards our understanding of ourselves , our community , and life itself .
10 She added that the festival had been attended by more people than ever before , and that by celebrating it in a smaller town , away from the more sophisticated attractions of Bogotá , the festival had a more genuine , grassroots character .
11 Many modernisation theorists argued that industrialisation would open up opportunities for women , providing them with a greater variety of possible roles and increasing chances of social mobility and a less subservient existence .
12 It was all she was capable of saying for quite some time , for he had captured her lips again and was kissing her with a deeper intensity .
13 I moved the reliquary from its altar , after it had been swathed well for safety in moving it to a higher place .
14 And are we to think that this loving God really wants us to linger on in pain and without dignity when , according to the same dogma , He is in any case calling us to a better life ?
15 Leonora dreamed of the fierce rapture they 'd shared on the island and began to long for Penry to want her violently , to stop treating her like a younger sister , and sometimes after he 'd gone she 'd stare in the mirror in discontent , wishing she were tall , or voluptuous , or blonde .
16 They remarked on the personal service , from the same senior consultant whom they had first met , comparing them with a larger firm who had acted in a heavy-handed way towards them and who had subsequently sent a junior consultant actually to handle the work , after they had dealt with the most senior partner at the beginning .
17 Commissioners were accordingly appointed to make perambulations in the forests of Devon and Surrey : they were to be returned into the Chancery before Christmas , but were not to be put into effect until the officers of the central administration had had an opportunity of comparing them with the earlier perambulations of Edward I 's time .
18 With ‘ soft knee ’ the compression ratio increases progressively , so that signals exceeding the threshold by a small amount are compressed less than those exceeding it by a larger margin .
19 Of course , if you have a young family and feel water might be a hazard , the feature could become a raised sandpit or planter , which naturally gives you the opportunity of converting it at a later stage .
20 So , although this perspective still has much to teach us , we shall subsequently be combining it with the broader explanations offered by later urban social theorists .
21 This argument tacitly assumes that once the collapse begins there is no hope of stopping it at a later stage .
22 So I think th th that the one thing which is good I think , is a possibility of re-opening it up , and possibly using it to a fuller extent , which might actually give it er , er , new lease of life .
23 Molloy and Carroll suggest that while Access courses equip students with whatever is necessary for the completion of a degree course they may be less successful in preparing them for the higher levels of academic performance .
24 Since time immemorial ‘ Staggy ’ had been drip-feeding ambitious junior researchers with toxin , preparing them for the stronger poisons which lay ahead .
25 Silverfish are an awesome experience , and purely on that basis EMF should be applauded for introducing them to a wider audience .
26 N brief , I suggest that we can best understand the form of modern doctrines by situating them in a broader dialogue within liberal political philosophy concerning the relation between the citizen and the state .
27 Some of it you know just to ignore , but if it is from someone who knows what he is on about , then it can be helpful in making you into a better player .
28 I hope , and I shall be bringing it up at the next police committee , that we will commit ourselves to that initiative will a view to bringing in those two pilot schemes in the county and extending it at a later date .
29 Do not hesitate to throw a card away after rewriting it in a better form .
30 We have decided to amplify the chords by reduplicating them in the higher octave in order to obtain greater clearness and bite .
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