Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun pl] for [art] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In August 1899 , Joseph revisited his Valley of Winding Waters for the first time in twenty-two years .
2 As one commentator noted wryly , there are more companies announcing Pentium-based machines then there are actual processors : a couple of dozen manufacturers spread their wares and Intel topped the whole thing off by announcing prices for the first time , and they are not cheap — 60MHz Pentiums cost $878 , while the 66MHz chip is $965 in quantities of 1,000 .
3 Bully Boy 's owner , Ron Taylor , who is involved in various interests in Lambourn , admitted to having ‘ a nice punt ’ on the six-year-old , who was tackling fences for the first time .
4 I have already suggested that in speech we normally plan at the point of utterance and that is evidenced in those typical features of speech which appear so surprising and , indeed , shocking to people inspecting transcripts for the first time .
5 Ealing Health Authority obtains regular updates on waiting times for a first outpatient appointment by consultant and , for each consultant , by subspecialty ( for example , general surgery clinics and varicose vein clinics ) from all of its major providers .
6 The French authorities did something to safeguard communal property among their Moslem subjects in Algeria , even though Napoleon III ( in the Senatus-Consulte of 1863 ) found it inconceivable that individual property rights in land should not be established formally among the members of Moslem communities ‘ where possible and opportune ’ , a measure which actually had the effect of permitting Europeans for the first time to buy them out .
7 This means fixing dates for a first reading and all the subsequent stages in the House .
8 In the 1950s , when the late Heinz Under was presenting Torontonians for the first time with the symphonies of Gustav Mahler in the York Concert Society series in Massey Hall , I will never forget the ecstatic moment , after a dozen tumultuous curtain calls at the end of the Resurrection Symphony , when the elderly maestro lifted the heavy score off the stand — and shook it as vigorously and as high as he was able , in homage to the great composer .
9 DOTING couple Alf and Jean Smith are on speaking terms for the first time in TEN YEARS .
10 You should read this section if you are installing FMS for the first time , or are not sure if you have sufficient global sections and global pages available .
11 According to Reuter , he is known on Wall Street for his prowess as a cost-cutter and an asset-seller , a reputation that is likely to cause consternation among IBM employees already facing lay-offs for the first time in the company 's history .
12 McEvoy , 39 , is back on the amateur circuit after being chosen as England captain , and has been having lessons for the first time ‘ to stimulate my game . ’
13 ‘ They are much smaller than I expected ’ is the usual remark from people seeing puffins for the first time .
14 Amanda Mares , the producer , might bear in mind that listeners hearing things for the first time need a second or two to focus .
15 Or suppose that I am eating escargots for the first time and can not bring myself to forget the disgustingly slimy look and feel of snails in the garden .
16 Two TODAY reporters took their children on skiing trips for the first time .
17 Beating Rangers for the first time in a year ( the first time for two years at home ) did nothing other than give a long suffering Celtic support one night of remission .
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