Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Emily Grenfell clasped her hands together , sitting on the edge of her seat gazing through the small window of the coach as it rumbled along Mumbles Road in the fashionable area of Swansea .
2 Margaret shuddered , wide awake now , her heart racing , gazing through the shadowy darkness of her room , thoughts rushing through her mind .
3 As employers find themselves competing for a falling number of young workers , there is a real opportunity to change out-dated and discriminatory attitudes towards older people .
4 That Alex Wyllie , the grizzled New Zealand coach , regards this as the All Blacks ' most important tour since the Cup is a tribute not to the Welsh but to the necessity of bringing through the next generation of players .
5 There were to be no less than 2,000 uniformed Blackshirts , marching and parading as the advance guard of revolution .
6 Everyone I met kept apologising for the shabby state of the buildings and I had the feeling that if I went back in ten years ' time it would look like the set for some grand-scale horror film , all broken banging shutters and cobwebbed windows .
7 His mother was leafing through a huge pile of correspondence , the wire-framed spectacles perched on the end of her nose threatening to fall off at any moment , while Senga sat beneath the window , copying verses from an open Bible .
8 Even allowing for a slight predominance of boys over girls among children , this still suggests that around two-thirds of the first generation of mill workers were female .
9 Allowing for a certain amount of exaggeration , it would be reasonable to assume that most of the wealthy landowners and business men would have suffered in this ruthless purge .
10 The Assembly was expanded from 195 to 250 seats , allowing for a larger allocation of seats to independent candidates .
11 The band of fluctuation either side of the new parities was widened from 1 per cent to 2.25 per cent , thus allowing for a larger margin of exchange rate fluctuation before official intervention was required .
12 If that system had stayed , allowing for a modest increase of 10pc annually for inflation et al , we would now be paying around £1050 , probably more with Labour in power locally .
13 Courts would be involved in pre-trial procedure much more actively than at present in attempting to keep the parties to proposed new timetables , whilst allowing for a realistic degree of relaxation by the court , and permitting the parties to vary particular time limits by agreement , subject always to the obligation to have the case ready for trial and set down within the overall timetable .
14 The Group believed that the Children Bill further eroded the already inadequate rights of poor families by allowing for the progressive transfer of parental rights to foster-parents and by widening the powers to dispense with parental consent to adoption .
15 On Feb. 27 the government tabled in parliament the long-expected Land Acquisition Bill allowing for the compulsory purchase of 5,500,000 hectares of predominantly white-owned land .
16 Figure 1 b shows the rotation rate residuals after allowing for the increased value of slowdown rate which fits the later part of Fig. 1 a .
17 A similar deal was signed with Yugoslavia on June 24 , allowing for the bilateral transit of 180,000 vehicles .
18 India supports the Kabul government , much to the annoyance of Pakistan and most western countries ; but while allowing for the mischievous nature of Mr Gandhi 's remark , they suspect that it is no more than the truth .
19 But it had a promenade deck , like the Hindenburg , and carried its passengers in considerable luxury even allowing for the natural exaggeration of the Imperial Airways Gazette : ‘ passengers making air journeys in the new Empire type flying boats of Imperial Airways not only express their admiration for the speed and quietness in flight of these air liners , and for the spaciousness of their saloons , but they also pay warm tributes to the efficiency of their catering arrangement ’ .
20 The difficulty lay both in defining the ‘ upper ’ and ‘ lower ’ limits of the stratum within the hierarchy of social status , and in allowing for the marked heterogeneity of its membership within those limits : there was always , at least , an accepted internal stratification into grande moyenne and petite bourgeoisie , the latter shading off into strata which would be de facto outside the class .
21 Both cannulae were brought to the exterior and protected by a stainless steel thimble allowing for the free movement of rats in their usual cages .
22 in the event that a purchaser is persuaded to purchase a property based on a surveyors valuation , the level of damages will be based on the correct market value allowing for the true condition of the property , and not the cost of repairs which need to be carried out .
23 But the complication involved in writing the program and allowing for the high number of physical variables made it impracticable at that time .
24 It will cover many kinds of shaping for a huge variety of subjects and once learned will save you a good deal of time in making up and garment fitting .
25 Garfield has described twigging as the inexorable result of realignments in the organization of disciplines 67 .
26 Garfield has described twigging as the inexorable result of realignments in the organization of disciplines .
27 ‘ The IOD welcomes the evidence in this survey of the degree of responsibility companies are now accepting for the effective management of redundancy situations and the high level of concern and care which they evidently feel for employees . ’
28 Dr Hadley , who had asked the questions , ceased to play with the two-toned ball pen he had been using as a remote muscle of his tongue .
29 catering for a wide range of attainment
30 These issues relate to : available time for training ; timing of the introduction of training materials ; catering for a wide range of experience ; and participants ' perception of the task .
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