Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [adv] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 But since she 'd considered herself relatively fit , she was disconcerted when her muscles began aching after just a short time .
2 Others see it occurring at exactly the same time each day , but with no obvious connection with any other activity .
3 She thought she was peaking at just the right time for her battle of the sexes match with Jimmy Connors scheduled for Las Vegas on September 24 with a 500,000 dollar first prize .
4 These were radical claims to make , not least because there was developing at exactly the same time a theory of absolute , unlimited sovereignty which became the intellectual basis for the absolutism which was the dominant pattern of rule in Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , and in some countries , such as Russia and Austria , even lasted into the twentieth century .
5 The world mile record holder , racing for only the second time since recovering from the groin injury which threatened to ruin his Olympic hopes , ran the third stage for Britain in the 4 x 1500 metres relay .
6 Felling at precisely the right time , possibly a tall order for the commission , the UK 's largest timber producer with 900,000 hectares of forest valued at £2.8 billion , could add 15 per cent to timber value , according to the audit office .
7 The toy that I remember lasting for quite a long time was a beautifully made wooden engine with its tender and two trucks .
8 Chatam , running for only the second time this season , went a length up as the pair jumped the last together but Mark Dwyer , riding with hands and heels , forced Jodami a head in front at the post .
9 The similarity of subject-matter between Picasso 's Horta landscapes and those which Braque was executing at exactly the same time at La Roche Guyon ( that is to say in mid 1909 ) enables one to appreciate with clarity the fact that , although they were reaching much the same conclusions , it was for different reasons .
10 whatever replaces R three and R three , and R three will have a product line for seven or eight years , we 're talking about quite a long time away .
11 This adds a bit of fun to the proceedings , but the same questions crop up repetitively , so its quite easy to cheat by remembering the answers after playing for only a short time .
12 Mountaineering in the Pyrenees began , early in the nineteenth century , with the very practical ascents made by the mappers and surveyors , but it continued , in climbers such as Russell , with something of the flair and eccentricity with which it was also evolving at much the same time in the Alps .
13 Full employment , competition between employers for labour and high levels of labour turnover might mean that many people are working for only a short time in any particular job .
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