Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [pron] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Preferring to carry only a light rifle , such as a .22 , and ammunition , but unburdened by other supplies , even water , they chase goats from about 7 am until noon , when they have to quit for the day Sometimes they will put down their guns and stalk a goat , leaping on it to deliver the final coup de grace with a knife .
2 Manager Alan Murray had been looking for somebody to replace the unlucky Saville , who broke his arm hours after his Pool debut a fortnight ago in a freak restaurant accident .
3 If you are looking for something to add the special touch of style to your property , SGO has the answer .
4 The same could be said for Adrian Maguire who got his big chance when Martin Pipe was looking for someone to ride the former Scott-trained Omerta in the Cheltenham Kim Muir in 1991 and Homer recommended Maguire who at that time was unknown outside the point-to-point field .
5 If Ferguson is really searching for someone to put the finishing touch to his team 's chances and not his own , he would be better offering the job to one of these often maligned stabbers-in of trifles .
6 While waiting for them to reach the outer limit of their seaward tack , we fished for our enormous aviator 's chart which was larger and more colourful , if little more useful , than theirs .
7 Today the Royals can not relax for a second , can not step one foot outside their own home without being met by a barrage of photographers waiting for them to make the smallest slip .
8 ‘ The world has changed , ’ Lagerfeld says , turning to me to explain the unlikely combination of a Chanel jacket and cycling shorts .
9 The members of the School Boards were more secular in their thinking than the builders of the earlier parish schools , and although some designers used the Gothic style , it was argued that ‘ … a continuation of the semi-ecclesiastical style … would appear to be inappropriate and lacking in anything to mark the great change which is coming over the education of the country ’ .
10 The meeting blamed the ANC for the violence in Natal , calling on it to abandon the so-called " armed struggle " ; furthermore , it urged the ANC deputy president , Nelson Mandela " to accept [ Buthelezi 's ] repeated invitation to sit down with him and to talk peace " .
11 NOW THAT the Second World of formerly communist countries is falling over itself to join the First World , the name ‘ Third World ’ suits the rest of the planet less well than ever .
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