Example sentences of "[v-ing] [verb] her [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She was endeavouring to find her way to the courtyard when , reaching the end of one of the wide corridors , she found herself in a long gallery lined with portraits .
2 no , no cos she just told me this morning you were going to see her work in the morning .
3 She was under police custody waiting to continue her testimony against the man alleged to be Washington 's most powerful drug lord , Rayful Edmond III .
4 Whatever the police said or did , decided Meryl , she was going to resign her post at the District .
5 She had the most ghastly pallor , Sabine thought , racing to fetch her jacket from the car and put it under the older woman 's head as a pillow .
6 Being his girlfriend was n't exactly going to do her image with the rest of the team much good either .
7 Then suddenly , and sweetly , she began to realise that , since Travis was no more to her than a good friend , and she was still going to have her job at the end of all this , when it finally did end , it was going to be she who had the last laugh — and not N. Massingham Esquire .
8 She 'd even felt the odd pang of nostalgia for the old days when she 'd been a young wet-behind-the-ears singer , just beginning to make her way up the ladder .
9 Despite having played for only two years , June Denholm , from Torness Finance department , is already beginning to make her mark in the game .
10 Ronni flashed a glance at him , struggling to match her expression to the staccato in her voice .
11 ‘ THEY keep on writing you off — but they 're wrong , ’ beamed a delighted Roy Inman , the women 's team manager , as Ann Hughes , Britain 's top lightweight , stepped off the mat having won her semi-final at the World Championships here yesterday .
12 It knew that the welfare of young British soldiers was close to her heart ( they having saved her career in the Falklands ) , so it murdered them too .
13 A guest at the Los Angeles hotel where the £30,000 video was shot revealed : ‘ Sade kept on having to hold her breath for the scenes in the pool .
14 And she sympathises with her having to live her life in the full glare of the spotlight .
15 The Female Beggar in An Evening Walk — the first of Wordsworth 's deserted women — laments for her soldier ‘ Asleep on Bunker 's charnel hill afar ’ , and the Female Vagrant , having followed her husband across the Atlantic , loses him and her children and is reduced to destitution .
16 Sally quite enjoyed the visits but Paula had no patience for making conversation with Gran , who tended to have very old-fashioned , dyed-in-the-wool ideas and was easily shocked , and she hated having to eat her way through the ham salad and bread and butter , Victoria sponge and tinned fruit and cream which Gran not only laid on but also piled high on her plate because she thought Paula much too thin .
17 Barely managing to hold her breath for the extra few seconds , she hauled herself to the other side of the object first , before surfacing .
18 She had , at first , absolutely no hope of consent , and for a week or so she tossed in bed at night preparing to brace her spirit against the inevitable refusal .
19 ‘ Do n't what ? ’ she laughed , teetering to keep her balance on the edge .
20 A jury has been told that a woman accused of trying to kill her ex-boyfriend for the insurance money had no motive .
21 She had no wish to upset her husband , but she knew how much Stephen 's mother hated her and felt that her mother-in-law was trying to usurp her place in the baby 's affections .
22 It occurred to her later , when she was in the westbound Central Line train , but not then , not when she was trying to find her way to the interchange .
23 Isa was trying to retrieve her jaw from the counter when the door opened and two Americans walked in .
24 She was trying to engineer her escape from the classics lecturer when Jamie made his way over .
25 She was still trembling half an hour later , as she huddled beneath a small gateway , trying to keep her footing on the wet grass of the embankment .
26 She ached in every muscle from the constant strain of trying to keep her balance on the heaving deck .
27 For , apart from trying to hold her hand in the taxi , he had been quite well behaved .
28 She read for a while , trying to close her mind to the sounds from the galley , the picture of Fen enjoying his supper and — simply — any pictures of Fen at all .
29 Hovering long enough to make sure it was n't for her , she left him talking in clipped , terse monosyllables and slipped away quietly to her bedroom , trying to suppress her curiosity about the caller .
30 Panting breathlessly , she turned from the door and moved through to the hall , where Donna was trying to make her way down the stairs .
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