Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The shops were opening and I browsed for a while in one that sold books as well as newspapers and magazines , but I failed to find the American edition of Rodriguez 's book .
2 I began to wonder what was happening when we stood for a long time at Birmingham New Street .
3 Nevertheless , it is accepted that , appearing as they do in a penal statute , they fall to be construed narrowly rather than widely .
4 In the case of the letter and the drawer , the signs fail in their indexical function because , appearing as they do in an isolated expression , they simply direct us into a void .
5 This remark , occurring as it does in a passage in which he is distinguishing between the grounds of the class metal ( ‘ the possession of certain common peculiarities ’ ) and those of the class sensation of white ( ‘ nothing but resemblance ’ ) clearly implies that if I had had no other sensations of white I could not assert the proposition ‘ This is a sensation of white ’ with the meaning it has when I have had such sensations .
6 Between palace and castle runs the processional route of the Royal Mile , for long the arena for the city 's most important activities , climbing as it does up a narrow ridge cramped between steep slopes carved out by ancient glaciers to either side .
7 ‘ I want to make it absolutely clear , ’ said Angalo slowly , as a great feathery head nabbled in the water a few inches away , ‘ that if you 're suggesting that we ride on a geese — ‘
8 Homology between DRP and dystrophin extends over their entire length , suggesting that they derive from a common ancestral gene .
9 The POU domain of this protein is unusually divergent in its sequence suggesting that it belongs to a novel class of POU family proteins .
10 Meanwhile we should stop pretending that we live in a golden age of literary biography , an art form that all too frequently seems to be founded not so much on spite , as on a fundamental lack of interest in its subject . ’
11 Then , assuming " phantom " chains , the change in free energy per chain as the end-to-end vector R changes to is Averaging over all chains and remembering that we have For a network of n chains per unit volume the change in free energy will be n times this .
12 The main thing to prevent is a solid sheet of ice forming because it acts like a lid and prevents the escape of poisonous gases , given off by deteriorating pond vegetation .
13 However , elation at the beauty of the surroundings meant tandooried legs were far from my thoughts , and as we continued to the shapely Sgurr an Lochain , towering as it does over a tiny dark blue lochan , we agreed it could n't get much better .
14 With a few exceptions , they said , most hornbills in captivity are not breeding , and many are given little chance to , living as they do without a mate or a nestbox .
15 The State has the obligation of ensuring this end by guaranteeing that homosexuals , living as they do in an ‘ abnormal ’ relationship , do not have the opportunity to influence directly the upbringing of children .
16 Surely you know that , living as you do with a child-woman ?
17 Death he did not fear , pride he did not possess ; he had no position or property , living as he did in a tub .
18 But many people wondered why Mr Peairs had used quite so powerful a weapon , and why he had not simply fired it into the air ; or why , living as he did in a relatively safe middle-class suburb , he had been so scared .
19 She knew her hands were trembling as she fiddled with a pen on the desk .
20 The urgency of coming out was building and I felt like a firecracker about to go off .
21 Jackie 's brother Jimmy , was the first to take up racing but he quit after an accident .
22 If you 're wondering whether it sounds like a thirty year-old Strat , the answer is an obvious ‘ no ’ .
23 He had , however , chosen to publicise his act of departure , and this public disavowal , coinciding as it did with a ferocious government anti-communist crackdown , was inevitably interpreted as a treacherous stab in the back that could not pass unavenged .
24 Moreover , as he made clear , he found the measured pace and rhythm of the work especially congenial , coinciding as it did with a period of remarkable creative gestation .
25 My right hon. and learned Friend will understand that the west midlands conurbation , lying as it does in a landlocked area , is responsible for the bulk of the country 's manufacturing industry , and that it depends on adequate and improving road conditions .
26 Maggie looked down and saw it moving at some speed ; dust flung up in a stream behind it and it was waiting as they taxied to a halt .
27 You know if you 've , erm do you know if you 've erm recorded it , if you 're like speaking if you like in a group do you put all their names down ? , or just put a group ?
28 They may be worth considering if you live in a high-rise flat , or have infrequent refuse collection , but they do take up space .
29 We changed the front brake master cylinder and spoiled the feel of the brake : if I tried to keep braking as I went into a corner , the front wheel would lock up and I would crash .
30 The plain fact of the matter , snobbish though it may sound , was that they were both unintelligent and ill-educated in comparison to myself , belonging as they did to a different social class from the one into which I had been co-opted at school .
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