Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [pron] have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There would have been no action and there 'd have been a nice plan on the table and I sincerely believe that but for general management we would have lost the opportunity to ( a ) have got the money , and ( b ) got the clinic built before people could actually realise what was happening and there 's been other instances of that .
2 ‘ In our dealings with North West companies we find that many have shown increases in productivity and earnings , even during the recession , proving that they have been able to compete effectively in the international arena , ’ she said , adding that there was nevertheless no room for complacency .
3 Whilst suggesting that he had been keen to run , he explained his decision on the grounds that his obligation to the people of his state came before his personal ambition for the presidency .
4 He was dressed in work clothes — tailored dark grey trousers and a cream shirt — but the latter was open at the neck and he wore no tie , suggesting that he had been ready for a relaxing Friday evening drink .
5 The encounter could be read as establishing that he has been silly , while clearing him of a certain … imputation .
6 The rockdust prevented her from seeing if she had been successful in her kill .
7 In regard to his relations with the Vietnamese de Lattre claimed that Bao Dai was the ablest statesman in Vietnam ; but perhaps rather spoilt things by adding that there had been several recent instances when Bao Dai ‘ had showed the proper co-operative spirit and , in some cases , even initiative ’ .
8 While confirming that there had been widespread Iraqi brutality , Middle East Watch emphasized that no proof had as yet emerged to support allegations that thousands of Kuwaitis had been executed by the Iraqis .
9 said once I said and I , when she 's been going and it 's been cold out there I said to her cos she always comes on a Tuesday dinner time
10 I asked , wondering if they 'd been angry on behalf of Ban Bhāi because Chola and the other women had n't waited for his permission , or because they 'd cheated , sneaking out first and grabbing all the pine-needles at the edge of the forest without having to climb at all .
11 Then , just when I was wondering if there had been some mistake , a man came up full of apologies , ‘ I 'm so sorry , ’ he said .
12 He had kept out of her way while she 'd been interviewing but she had been aware of where he was all the time .
13 Suppose the brochure mentions another hotel , stating that it has been open for several seasons and that it closes every year from November to March .
14 I 've never ever I say this very proudly , been in debt and as long as I 've earned enough money to live , I 've never bothered to put any on one side strict , you know , strictly speaking and I 've been happy to er live and er that 's how I 've lived me life .
15 Now , am I right in saying that there has been some controversy in the past about hormone replace , let's call it H R T , it 's shorter , that er that not everyone 's convinced it 's it 's it 's a good idea , that there are maybe some negative side effects .
16 If you are hit on the head by a pot of paint whilst walking under a ladder you would not be asked to show the precise act of negligence that caused the paint to fall ; it goes without saying that someone had been negligent .
17 ‘ IN APRIL 1992 , a researcher from the BBC 's dramatised documentary programme ‘ 999 ’ contacted our Community Education Department asking if we had been involved in any unusual incident where rescues had been carried out .
18 Standing at Reception at the Rossiya , asking if there had been any messages because the Ministry might.have telephoned to give timings for his meeting .
19 Erm I just wonder whether it might not have been better to move round a little bit to the left so we could have seen the lady 's hand and sa as well er er and as well as her face , you know , we 've got ta get we can see what she 's doing , know what she 's doing but it 'd been nice if you could have included her hands .
20 ‘ If I 'm crying because someone 's been nasty to me , he 'll want to rush away and knock their block off ’ , said one woman , ‘ for anything else he 'll just sit there and look miserable and uncomfortable until I feel I 'm supposed to comfort him ’ .
21 The local member for South Ronaldsay and Burray , Councillor Cyril Annal , wrote to Orkney Health Board asking whether there had been any consultation with Health Board employees and general practitioners prior to the removal of the nine children from their homes .
22 Secondly , it distorts the history of philosophy by assuming that it has been unchanging in its preoccupations and conceptualisations , which it clearly has not .
23 Assuming that I 'd been able to drag the dinghy in a fairly straight line — though I might have gone astray a bit when I was stumbling in the mud — Joanna should be lying more or less straight ahead , and a good deal nearer than when I 'd left , for it was near high water then , and now it was about the last of the ebb .
24 Although the poem is conventional in several respects , it ends critically , not with the shepherdess cheered up by a song or by the sight of another attractive shepherd , but with Daphne recognizing that she has been gullible about her young man .
25 She wished to bring an action against her employers alleging that they had been negligent in failing adequately to protect her against the known risk of injury from this pupil .
26 Savimbi , however , claiming that there had been widespread electoral fraud , threatened to resume UNITA 's guerrilla war against the MPLA-PT .
27 Meanwhile Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke last night received an apology from ITN for claiming that he had been late for yesterday 's wreath-laying ceremony at the Cenotaph .
28 The highest priced work is the leaf from the Arenberg Psalter with illuminations on both sides , for which he paid about $520,000 in 1990 , admitting that he has been one factor in the rise in prices in single sheet miniatures at auction : ‘ Prices have climbed enormously because museum directors realise more and more that the history of painting before 1450 , and even into the sixteenth-century is to a very large extent found in illuminated manuscripts ’ .
29 Whilst admitting that there had been procedural " irregularities " , Hoeveler rejected a defence motion that the charges against Noriega be dismissed .
30 They were now expected to settle down with the very people with whom they had been fighting and who had been responsible for killing some of their comrades-in-arms .
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