Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] way [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Soon I was groping my way up the tight , black corkscrew , mole-mode .
2 Other walkers were struggling up the dusty track , sweating and wheezing their way to the high plateau .
3 Fran hurried across the street , weaving her way between the busy traffic towards the underground car park favoured by the staff at the radio station .
4 Suddenly , I see a boat weaving its way between the improbable pink granite rocks and I experience both relief and excitement .
5 During the sweltering Id of 1333 , a camel caravan could be seen winding its way through the narrow passes and defiles of the Hindu Kush .
6 This line , winding its way between the isolated communities of Erstogoetsland Southeast of Stockholm , was one of twenty one regional railways offered for sale five years ago .
7 That was no exaggeration , Ronni soon discovered , as fifteen minutes later they were winding their way through the narrow , colourful streets of the walled city of Alghero to climb a hill to a cliff-top where they were suddenly confronted by a breath-taking panorama of endless blue sea .
8 The Old Town harbours a sundry collection of churches , mansions , synagogues , palaces and mosques , winding their way around the narrow lanes and hidden nooks , beckoning the adventurer into the shadows .
9 He paused only to smooth down his unruly black hair and tuck his vest into his pants before groping his way down the long dark corridor to the kitchen door .
10 ‘ But … ’ she started to protest , but he was already walking away from her , weaving his way through the seated audience , shouldering past the standing groups .
11 After twisting our way up the long trail we finally reached the North Rim just after midday , feeling like redeemed souls struggling out of a magnificent inferno .
12 As he declaimed we were weaving our way through the late-afternoon shoppers who thronged the centre of the town .
13 The Trees had crossed half of the floor now and the nearest one — Fenella could see now that it had been a Larch , elegant and slender — was already inching its way across the slimy black pool of the Melanisms , creating a kind of bridge .
14 And there she was , a bit dented and definitely in need of a coat of paint , a Peterhead prawn fishing boat , nudging her way into the topmost lock .
15 Marie scrambled out of the sand-hills and ran along the bank , crashing her way through the tall , razor-edged grass , not minding if it cut her hands .
16 picking her way down the awkward cliff path
17 Picking her way over the rough ground and through the hazards , she gained the kitchen entrance .
18 As she passed the vicarage she was startled to see Faustina picking her way along the front wall with a palm cross in her mouth .
19 They skirted the city , threading their way through the still-silent streets and , following the Prior 's careful directions , soon found themselves on the broad beaten approach to the port of Leith .
20 The way we have chosen the symbols T and S also means , conveniently , that trajectories threading their way through the top face of the box B according to some sequence of Ts and Ss , make the same sequence of passes through the tubes , T and S.
21 The guests thought it was romantic and had great fun picking their way through the candlelit restaurant .
22 In the interval between night and day , when it appears all colour may have been leached from the world in the blood wedding of sea and sky the night before , the men in Tiguary 's warrior band crept softly towards the English compound , some picking their way in the sulphurous stream , others moving in single file along the banks .
23 Then she turned and fled from the dance floor , pushing her way between the smooching couples and heading for the Ladies , a box of a room with pegs lining two walls , a flyblown mirror over a grubby cracked china sink and two cubicles .
24 There had been one or two prospective buyers , pushing their way through the tall weeds , with papers describing the property 's charms in their hands , but the general neglect seemed to dishearten them .
25 Market forces are pushing their way into the whole arena of debt servicing and conditions of grant aid so that the international rhetoric is moving away from comprehensive Primary Health Care to ‘ cost recovery ’ .
26 Among the World Corporate Games teams scything their way through the murky water in time to a sadistic drummer ( by far the best job ) were representatives from Touche Ross and Ernst & Young .
27 He rode ahead into the mist , picking his way across the encumbered ground .
28 Vic nods his thanks , turns left , then right again , picking his way through the broad , tree-lined residential streets with practised ease .
29 Once again Benjamin used his warrant , pushing his way through the grumbling spectators until we had a good view of both the execution scene and Smithfield Common .
30 He turned and left the room , threading his way between the deserted tables to vanish in the warm , wood-scented half-darkness of the hall .
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