Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [noun pl] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Girding its loins for a deeper plunge into the commercial market , Hewlett-Packard Co last week announced a strategic relationship with Lotus Development Corp that will see Lotus Notes , cc:Mail , Ami Pro and Freelance Graphics ported to its first native Unix platform , HP/UX .
2 Research grants worth £420million have been announced by the EC , revealing its plans for the third set of Esprit projects .
3 She 's been reported missing and we 're checking her movements for the two weeks before she vanished . ’
4 By 1953 , however , with Conservative rural constituencies pressing their MPs for a rural electrification subsidy , and the Minister looking more favourably on capital expenditure for this purpose , the Area Board chairmen hammered out a national plan for rural electrification , which was finally agreed at an extended and controversial meeting at a country hotel in Moretonhampstead in 1953 .
5 Next April 's meeting need do no more than put a tick alongside South Africa 's name and we can all start booking our tickets for the 1995 thrash .
6 A snowfall the previous night , however , had covered the tracks of Graham Little and A. Baker , who had climbed it the day before — also singing its praises for the deep caves and icicles .
7 Several chandlers are revising their catalogues for the new year .
8 In the Third World new nations were flexing their muscles for the first time .
9 Thus , although it has been stated that there are practically no high kicks in kung fu , the practitioner who emulates the crane is training his legs for the highest possible kicks .
10 To Sara , more hard-pressed than ever at Lime Street , the intellectual and emotional sympathy binding Coleridge and Dorothy must have been both apparent and distressing , even if Dorothy , in De Quincey 's words , was a woman possessing ‘ no personal charms ’ : on only the second day of the visit Coleridge and Dorothy were occupied together correcting his poems for the new edition while Sara was left to carry the domestic burdens of the teeming cottage .
11 Harold was flexing his muscles for the perfect balance , teeth bared , knife poised over his head .
12 To become an agent , these social secretaries simply have to reverse their roles with the agents who have been selling them acts for the previous few years .
13 However , Muslim ex-singer Stevens , now Yusuf Islam 's reaction was anything but angry : ‘ I 've been trying to get record companies to stop selling my records for a long time .
14 Containing his designs for the perpetual-motion helicopter .
15 By early November however , as the Dublin lock-out attacks against leaders of the trade unions and the Labour Party who seemed to be obstructing his plans for a general strike , not only in Dublin , but throughout Great Britain , vilifying them as " serpents whom I shall allow to raise their foul heads and spit out their poison no longer " and as having " neither soul to be saved nor body to be kicked " Almost overnight , support for Larkin turned into denunciation of his reckless methods and of his policy of attempting to bleed British unions of funds in support of sympathy strikes which seemed destined either to fail or to lead to unwanted revolution .
16 It was like being in the adit of a mine , and I was driving into the bowels of the earth with a man who seemed hell bent on risking our lives for no apparent reason .
17 Pat had been attending my classes for a long time — years in fact .
18 Rather than risk a humiliating defeat — and with it the end of presidential aspirations — Gore , and other senior Democrats , were thought to be reserving their challenges for the 1996 contest .
19 The resources are allocated periodically at a review meeting which is preceded by individual project leaders assessing their own progress and estimating their needs for the next period .
20 The Frank Cooper Marmalade Shop , which forever linked the name Oxford with marmalade , is closing its doors for the last time .
21 ‘ Acid ! ’ he cried after consulting his notes for the one hundred and thirty-ninth time .
22 I believe I was collecting my thoughts for a renewed effort when the young gentleman suddenly rose to his feet , and clutching his attaché case to his person , said : ‘ Well , I think I 'll go and take a little fresh air .
23 Her frozen surprise made him pause at the door , a gleam of amusement touching his eyes for the first time .
24 1993 marks the start of an ambitious new preventative health care programme which aims to stem the spread of malaria and AIDS , and SIDT is pinning its hopes for a healthy future on the villagers , whose only option is preventative health care .
25 The breakaway union is balloting its members for a one-day token strike in protest over the amended pit closure plans .
26 Presumably , after carrying out their assignments , they had been returning at irregular intervals and were now preparing their reports for the final session of the afternoon .
27 As they clustered at the door , preparing their faces for the raw air , she still sensed those eyes burning into her .
28 Parents have a crucial role to play in preparing their children for an independent adult life but may in practice unwittingly inhibit that progress .
29 But many of their future commanders — John Durnford-Slater , Peter Young , Mike Calvert among them — were preparing their men for a new type of soldiering .
30 Without autonomous change in tastes , or in technological possibilities , or in the availability of resources , no one can have any interest in altering his plans for the succeeding period .
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