Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I sat eating my sandwiches in a grumpy sulk at the top of a mountain recently , while the pack of men surrounding a paraglider prepared him for take-off .
2 Just as well the control panel 's on the outside , Bernice told herself , saves me wasting my energies on a futile attempt to crack the combination .
3 I can imagine ending my days in a lovely Georgian house in the Paragon or Cornwallis Crescent , gazing at this wonderful view . ’
4 The scene shifted and I found myself at the head of a stairwell , aware that yet another place might be reached but only by somersaulting over the banister and walking my feet down the opposite wall as one might descend a defile in a crag .
5 Thus alerted , a sub-committee of the North of England Protecting and Indemnity Association met on the following morning and resolved that the danger could only be met by " a central organization of owners for the purpose of protecting their interests against the unreasonable demands and actions of trade unions or combinations affecting such interests " .
6 It is to the reptiles themselves one must turn to find the greatest display of armoured scales that are all-enveloping , protecting their wearers over the whole surface of the body .
7 It is not the West End galleries however who have been opening their doors to the new generation .
8 The argument is , then , that a greater surplus can be extracted from this sector by not employing its members on a regular wage-earning basis .
9 To add to the general gothic touch , the now released pigeons fly around depositing their droppings on the dead body .
10 Now I think of an animal or a small child depositing its excreta in the wrong place so as to annoy its owner or parent .
11 Police reports on the night claimed that ‘ substantial ’ seizures of cannabis and cocaine had been made — thus effectively labelling those arrested as ‘ crack barons ’ and prejudicing their chances of a fair hearing in court .
12 Soon after they got up — which was always late , which was lunchtime — he and Rufus went in swimming , keeping their feet off the gravelly or slimy bottom and their arms clear of the blanket weed which was like green hair .
13 Constantine , late in his reign , demolished some temples and confiscated their estates throughout the empire , in-corporating them into the res privata , but keeping their accounts in a special category as fundi iuris templorum .
14 My blaster , ’ she said , backing towards a wall and keeping her eyes on the widening gap between the doors .
15 Rose ignored her , keeping her eyes on the rattling carriage , holding herself in a permanent half crouch , like a sprinter at the starting post .
16 Girding its loins for a deeper plunge into the commercial market , Hewlett-Packard Co last week announced a strategic relationship with Lotus Development Corp that will see Lotus Notes , cc:Mail , Ami Pro and Freelance Graphics ported to its first native Unix platform , HP/UX .
17 The work also voiced taboos and silenced areas in an attempt to make visible shared and common experiences , revealing their roots in the social and cultural rather than the personal .
18 Research grants worth £420million have been announced by the EC , revealing its plans for the third set of Esprit projects .
19 Rather than contenting himself with a specific and clearly defined puzzle , Poulantzas aims to give a broad account of the capitalist state , which will show what it is and what it does by revealing its connections with the various instances of the social whole .
20 Both arms plunged down into the water , but she was able to steady herself by pressing her hands on the stony bed .
21 A stitch seared her side and she came to a stumbling halt , pressing her palms to the painful place , waiting until the sharp sting had eased a little .
22 From then until his death in 1099 at the age of fifty-six , El Cid fought a series of dazzling campaigns against the Moors , taking the fortified city of Valencia and making it an impregnable fortress against his enemies When news of his death reached the rest of Spain , men and women wept openly in the streets , tearing their clothing and lacerating their cheeks in an extravagant display of mourning .
23 Viola Machin , nevertheless , seemed impervious to it : she stood in bosomy grief , in a becoming coat of umber shade , dabbing her eyes at the pathetic bits of the service ; Desmond , in a heavy black coat , managed only an insurance agent 's decorous grief ; and Hilary looked as if cheerfulness might keep breaking through — which would probably , after all , be what Hilda would have liked most .
24 SynOptics is basing its hopes on a six-chip Asynchronous Transfer Mode chip set developed in partnership with Washington State University .
25 The heat flash of an enormously powerful neutron bomb had carbonised a planet with the ensuing radioactive fallout condemning its survivors to the full horrors of atrophy and mutation .
26 She 's been reported missing and we 're checking her movements for the two weeks before she vanished . ’
27 Besides the more obvious areas for employment , actuaries are to be found applying their skills in the academic world , in computer development , operational research and as business consultants .
28 By 1953 , however , with Conservative rural constituencies pressing their MPs for a rural electrification subsidy , and the Minister looking more favourably on capital expenditure for this purpose , the Area Board chairmen hammered out a national plan for rural electrification , which was finally agreed at an extended and controversial meeting at a country hotel in Moretonhampstead in 1953 .
29 Desperate to find some release , Shannon tried taking long , solitary walks along the city 's golden shoreline , hunching her shoulders into a warm sheepskin jacket against the biting chill of the ever-present north-sea wind .
30 Oh , they were my daily joy , Dirty Dick , Harry , Bert , Prickwillow , working on the green baize under the bench lights , the elastic band round the grey heads holding the jeweller 's eyeglass or checking their tolerances with the white-coated draughtsmen , or rouging the last tenth of a thou from a newly-turned and bored brass centimetric attenuator .
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