Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [noun sg] through the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 During the sweltering Id of 1333 , a camel caravan could be seen winding its way through the narrow passes and defiles of the Hindu Kush .
2 That was no exaggeration , Ronni soon discovered , as fifteen minutes later they were winding their way through the narrow , colourful streets of the walled city of Alghero to climb a hill to a cliff-top where they were suddenly confronted by a breath-taking panorama of endless blue sea .
3 ‘ But … ’ she started to protest , but he was already walking away from her , weaving his way through the seated audience , shouldering past the standing groups .
4 As he declaimed we were weaving our way through the late-afternoon shoppers who thronged the centre of the town .
5 Marie scrambled out of the sand-hills and ran along the bank , crashing her way through the tall , razor-edged grass , not minding if it cut her hands .
6 They skirted the city , threading their way through the still-silent streets and , following the Prior 's careful directions , soon found themselves on the broad beaten approach to the port of Leith .
7 The way we have chosen the symbols T and S also means , conveniently , that trajectories threading their way through the top face of the box B according to some sequence of Ts and Ss , make the same sequence of passes through the tubes , T and S.
8 The guests thought it was romantic and had great fun picking their way through the candlelit restaurant .
9 There had been one or two prospective buyers , pushing their way through the tall weeds , with papers describing the property 's charms in their hands , but the general neglect seemed to dishearten them .
10 Among the World Corporate Games teams scything their way through the murky water in time to a sadistic drummer ( by far the best job ) were representatives from Touche Ross and Ernst & Young .
11 Vic nods his thanks , turns left , then right again , picking his way through the broad , tree-lined residential streets with practised ease .
12 Once again Benjamin used his warrant , pushing his way through the grumbling spectators until we had a good view of both the execution scene and Smithfield Common .
13 Owen loved the bustle of the bazaars , of the whole native city , in fact ; but after you had spent some time in them , especially when it was as hot as this , you felt an overwhelming need for space and air , and after forcing their way through the blocked thoroughfares of the Tentmakers ' Bazaar they were glad to emerge into the more open streets .
14 Hopelessly outnumbered , they had charged up that slope , cutting and slashing their way through the serried ranks of Russian cavalry , forcing them back , back …
15 It was his habit to patrol the streets of the City , declaiming the Gospel according to Shakespeare to passers-by , emoting his way through the great speeches in the hope of earning a few drinks .
16 We heard the bus , from far off , growling its way through the still dusk .
17 ICI and other big manufacturers are involved in four price-fixing cases currently grinding their way through the elephantine procedures of the European Community .
18 The station could make its statement by spreading , by achieving its grandeur through the vast length of Beaux-Arts façades , the enormous circulation areas within them , and the new approach to land use which the new stations offered .
19 Alex had spilled some juice on the table top and was drawing his finger through the orange puddle with enjoyment ; Sarah seemed completely preoccupied by the last mouthful of toast .
20 Edging their way through the densely-packed throng they finally reached the organist who carried on playing , at the same time bending down an ear in the sergeant 's direction .
21 However , at the time of writing , a new Children Bill is making its way through the legislative process , and will , once enacted , form the basic legislation relating to childcare in the 1990s .
22 She followed , more cautious now , making her way through the thick sprawl of greenery towards the house .
23 The tigress was undoubtedly familiar with every foot of the ground , and not having had an opportunity of killing me at the rocks — and her chance of bagging me at the first hairpin bend having been spoilt by the kakar — she was probably now making her way through the dense undergrowth to try to intercept me at the second bend .
24 Making their way through the extensive 4th floor they were stopped when a massive explosive caused them to hit the floor .
25 She ran , fighting her way through the packed lanes and not slowing up until she reached Fever Alley , where she had parked her car .
26 And she 'd been nicknamed ‘ Scatty ’ because of a habit of daydreaming her way through the mundane bits of life .
27 As it is , many Christians have trouble finding their way through the various orders of service and different translations of the Bible .
28 He smiled as he pictured Commander Adam Dalgliesh , that no doubt fastidious widower , making his way through the accumulated mess to discuss their suitability as caretakers at Larksoken Mill .
29 Even sad wankers like you , ’ he informs us before launching into ‘ Karaoke Queen ’ and posing his way through the three-minute Buzzcock guitar pile-ups and singalongs of ‘ Indeed You Aaaagh ’ , and ‘ I 'm In Luff ’ ( its not really how you spell the song titles , it 's the way he tells ‘ em ) .
30 Often girls in this situation are not only skilful in concealing their pregnancy through the loose style of clothes they wear , but remain physically small — that is , until finally the truth is out , and suddenly their pregnancy also seems to expand , as if with relief that it can at last be public .
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