Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [verb] [art] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The bottom half hangs down , allowing me to transfer the envelope to inside my coat .
2 In the morning the Oxford Coroner would open and adjourn the inquest , enabling him to release the body to the next of kin , in this case Ambassador Fairweather in person , representing President John Cormack .
3 ‘ The four local MPs are urging them to sell the yard to the Merseyside Development Corporation .
4 Mrs Cole-King has already caused a stir by suggesting she had no objection to the idea of women holding communion in private homes , but she now says she realises that is n't a good idea and it certainly wo n't be something she 'll be campaigning for .
5 Listeners have to recognize that for them , too , communication is an active process , requiring them to relate the utterance to the context obtaining and to signal any inadequacy or comprehension failure when it occurs .
6 She had chosen to have Hunter-Blair stay , saying she had no objection to his presence if Wickham did not .
7 ‘ At least I shall be doing something to bring the murderer to justice . ’
8 But when you come to something that says one or more closures of elderly persons ' homes in the east of the county , I do n't think it 's quite fair for people saying we have a right to be told on that , but that it 's insufficiently explicit for them to , to respond to consultation , and to bring their particularly cases forward .
9 Letting her become a worry to him was another .
10 As he talks , his actions serve to emphasise his words ; he pounds the table ( researchers Ekman and Friesen described this kind of action as an illustrator ) ; he frowns at you ( an affect display ) ; he lifts an eyebrow indicating he requires an answer to his question ( a regulator ) ; finally , he waves you to the door ( an emblem ) .
11 Momentarily he looked annoyed , and Luce sighed , knowing he had every right to .
12 Glycine 15 has a positive angle in both conformations , as residue 2 of a type II' turn in the holorepressor , and residue 3 of a type II turn in the complex , allowing it to donate a hydrogen-bond to a phosphate oxygen in the latter .
13 There 's been loud and strong protest over the past few weeks as parents have campaigned against the clinic claiming it presented a threat to their children 's well-being .
14 The premise underlying them expresses an unwillingness to be drawn into any alleged dichotomy between jurisdictional and non jurisdictional fact .
15 Once inside the auction room , it 's just a matter of crossing your fingers and hoping somebody takes a fancy to it , too .
16 This claim might not unreasonably be held to cover such examples as we see in the following subject phrases : ( 15 ) the bicycles damaged all had red handlebars the line defective is the one to the outside a dose strong enough would put him out all night In all these cases , prenominal position would also be acceptable and appears to give the same cognitive meaning for the sentence as a whole , hence encouraging us to accept a solution to the first question , above , in terms of " emphasis " or " focus " .
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