Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [noun] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Israel had announced in October that it would attend the Ottawa talks , thereby ending its boycott of the multilateral refugee negotiations [ see p. 39167 for Israeli participation in multilateral regional economic co-operation talks in Paris in late October ] .
2 But last March AMD stole a tenth of this market within months of launching its version of the 386 , and now claims almost a third .
3 To questions about tax and public services , the public responded as it did in the days of Thatcher : by denying her creed of the Rich Samaritan and countering with approval for self-sacrifice and public services .
4 This is Mould , for the first time since his epic ‘ Workbook ’ album , recapturing his sense of The Definitive : the last word in love songs and the full stop after heartbreak .
5 Therefore he can not be acting ultra vires and unlawfully by applying his view of the domestic law in reaching his decision .
6 The Franciscans had a specially charismatic gift for transmitting their understanding of the inward nature of redemption .
7 Britain is not enjoying its presidency of the European Council .
8 For instance , how valid are the company 's assumptions about : customer sensitivity to price changes ( price elasticity of demand ) ; the effectiveness of its advertising in stimulating customer demand , and in maintaining its share of the total market ; the relationship of per capita real income to demand for its products ( for instance , people with increasing incomes tend to eat a wider variety of foodstuffs than hitherto , yet their per capita expenditure on food tends to decline as a proportion of their total personal expenditure ) .
9 Although Burda talks of maintaining its share of the upper end of the periodicals market this has been interpreted as a delaying tactic , to allow the magazine to bow out gracefully .
10 These reflections upon the character of the new vision of contracts may assist teachers in organizing their teaching of the modern doctrine .
11 The conference was helpful in aiding my understanding of the great mass of information that I am faced with in my volunteer role .
12 In this sense , the DUP has succeeded in establishing its view of the constitutional crisis and the proper reactions to it .
13 BP is to spend $340 million in developing its share of the first phase of the Mars oil and gas field in the Gulf of Mexico .
14 The cases equally indicate the boundary beyond which the church was seen as abusing its definitions of the sacred .
15 So he said to himself : ‘ This is the place where I was simply terrified ! ’ and remembering his fear of the previous day , he promptly shied again although he had not been hurt the day before .
16 Yagüe caved in , confessing his knowledge of the Falangist conspiracy .
17 Simms maintained his silence on the reason for his withdrawal , and in 1842 refused to give an interview to R. R. Madden [ q.v. ] , then writing his history of the United Irishmen .
18 Since writing his Book of the Royal Wedding , published in 1981 , he has been amazed by the evolution of the Princess of Wales .
19 However , of its contemporaries , your soaraway NME was undoubtedly the most diligent in bringing you news of the latest teen pop sensations .
20 A dollop of cranberry sauce has been the traditional accompaniment to turkey since the Pilgrim Fathers ate what they called crane berries ( the flowers resemble cranes ) — probably in the form of a sauce — with turkey at the Thanksgiving feast , celebrating their survival of the first winter spent in America .
21 I enclose a copy of this letter and should be grateful if the parties would sign and return their copy , confirming their acceptance of the above .
22 Comparisons with the 1914–18 career of Monty should be viewed with the knowledge that this outstanding man was gravely wounded while leading his platoon of the Royal Warwicks early in the conflict and this slowed his promotion considerably .
23 The European arts festival , which I announced on 9 December will be a rewarding and imaginative way of celebrating our Presidency of the European Community in the second half of the year .
24 Thank you for sending me details of the forthcoming publication , ‘ How to write a will and gain probate ’ .
25 On 29th January , 1855 , Aberdeen 's Government had been heavily defeated in the House of Commons on a censure motion criticizing its conduct of the Crimean War , but it was not until 6th February that Queen Victoria brought herself to appoint the seventy-one-year-old Palmerston as Aberdeen 's successor , although his prestige and popularity had made him the inevitable choice as Prime Minister .
26 Up to 1988 life assurance companies were gaining ground on pension funds , with individual life assurance premiums doubling their share of the personal savings market to 1988 .
27 Polybius was deprived of his only chance of verifying his interpretation of the Roman constitution .
28 My occasional presence at Summerchild 's front gate , keeping Millie from her pious labours on the birthday book and obstructing his view of the cracked step , evidently never reached a sufficient level of generality to impinge upon him .
29 An infection control policy should be available to staff , emphasising he importance of the safe disposal of sharps .
30 Alan got a message for you all the stewards and secretaries within Pilkingtons and also the A E U , M S F and the T & G thanks very much for the initiative you 've in getting us all together and the initiative you 've took in getting us part of the European set-up company Pilkingtons , at this present time are very negative .
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