Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 a talisman , a passport — and with Wood seeing them out onto the empty streets , he moved off through the cool , misty town , into Newlands Valley , over towards Buttermere , his heart hammering him on to get back to her before it was too late .
2 The effect of interrupting sleep after two or three hours is to deny the subjects almost all REM sleep , while allowing them much of the deep slow wave sleep that they might be expected to have in a normal night .
3 ‘ A lot of the simpler souls ’ , said Quigley , ‘ probably think a great big snake is going to slither out at them and start gobbling them up in a few years . ’
4 Anyone fancy helping me out on a few voodoo dolls dressed in a famous black with blue/orange trim kit ? : - )
5 The human race is eating them up at a staggering rate .
6 It is clear that the derivation of the high number of word paths from mid-classes and the problem of filtering them out at the lexical access stage means that syntactic/semantic information must be brought to bear as soon as words are accessed .
7 They 'll be easing me on as the new presenter so as not to put too much pressure on me .
8 Meanwhile , the Whips pursued the government in the hope of catching them out in a snap vote ; at the least this would disrupt their progress and there seemed an outside chance that the government would tire of the interminable pressure and throw in the sponge .
9 Firefighters have rejected a one point five per cent pay offer bringing them closer to a national strike .
10 ( d ) The massive body of historical research that has gone on throughout this century has gradually discovered new sources of information and refined our views of the early modern period , in all probability bringing them closer to the objective truth .
11 But it can learn to comprehend a series of events by bringing them together into a cohesive , learned pattern to form a language .
12 Mike said , ‘ TCT are doing a sequel and a prequel to ‘ T is ’ and bringing them out at the same time . ’
13 By promoting economic aspects and bringing them out into the open for everyone to see , we are contributing towards better informed decisions on the part of prescribers and policy makers alike . ’
14 Linear earthworks were the means of manipulating , channelling and containing vast flows of terrestrial energy , drawing them out of the central plateau area of the chalk uplands and leading them , sometimes for miles , towards places where they were required to boost the existing subtle currents .
15 Oh yes , I was told , providing we did n't mind tucking ourselves away in a converted cow shed .
16 Soilless composts will do very well as they are , keeping them slightly on the dry side , but be very careful , as such composts take a long time to dry out but then do so completely with alarming rapidity , and are exceedingly difficult to wet through to the centre of the root-ball .
17 That means keeping them out of the unpredictable British May weather .
18 Incidentally , the last I heard , that weekly coach to the Upper Witham was still running — under the name of Heeley Angling Club and , even more surprising , I understand that ’ Jock ’ was still driving them up to a few years ago .
19 The pain steadily increased in force , blotting out the fires on the hill above the melon beds , increasing the darkness until they could make out nothing in the compound below , and driving them back from the streaming verandah .
20 Secure the wire ends by twisting them together for a short distance to prevent the turns trying to unwind themselves .
21 Slowly curl the dumb-bells upwards to shoulder height , twisting them gradually during the full movement until the palms are facing you .
22 Make the patchwork on the shells by spreading the glue over a small area , laying on scraps of cloth and pressing them down with the damp cloth .
23 Perhaps the best way to familiarise yourself with the sound of specific intervals is by relating them back to the major scale based on the root of the given chord .
24 His spirit had not been broken ; rather he was afraid of tearing himself apart with the involuntary jerking of one side of his limbs in the opposite direction to the other .
25 ‘ That 's the thanks I get for takin' ye out of a bloody hovel and givin' ye a proper place to live .
26 On the air at five o'clock very soon Tim driving you home plus the early evening sequence till nine .
27 It moved sinuously , dancing round its adversary , thrusting with a slender spear and protecting itself gracefully with a brightly-polished shield .
28 You can watch the newsreader 's lips getting into gear , like Fatima Whitbread psyching herself up for the big throw .
29 Perdita cried unashamedly after they left , fleeing to her bare room and hurling herself down on the pink counterpane .
30 He grappled with Slatter , tearing him away from the motionless body .
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