Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [adj] [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 Six weeks later a great demonstration in the Royal Albert Hall demanded the establishment of a Merchant Seamen 's League to put the boycott into effect and " to assist them in maintaining their benevolent institutions for the aged and infirm " A short time ago , he declared in 1918 , he had received a document from four leading German trade unionists attempting to justify the U-boat campaign by arguing that " only a campaign of frightfulness against the British and neutral vessels trading to ports in the United Kingdom and the starving of the people of the British Isles would bring the war to a speedy close " .
2 Maginnis would like to see Sir Patrick Mayhew fulfil his promise to give the talks ‘ direction and focus ’ by presenting his own ideas for the future .
3 Similarly , in Engineers ' and Managers ' Association v. ACAS ( 1980 ) the House of Lords by a majority held that ACAS had not acted unreasonably in postponing its statutory enquiries for the time being because another union was also seeking recognition and the plaintiff Association was also suing the Trades Union Congress .
4 saw the Mitcham Light Railway as one step in the large tramway system they intended to build around Croydon and followed this acquisition by presenting a Bill to Parliament , containing their own proposals for the area .
5 we 're giving you three tips for the shortlist …
6 Though Jean 's resignation will be officially recognised at the next Annual General Meeting , we would like to be first in recording our grateful thanks for the tremendous amount of hard work and time which she has given to the Society during her years in office .
7 But both the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords supported the Minister , Lord Keith saying that the judgments in the Divisional Court illustrated the danger of judges wrongly , though unconsciously , substituting their own views for the views of the decision-maker who alone was charged and authorized by Parliament to exercise a discretion .
8 All around her men 's eyes are avidly forsaking their embarrassed girlfriends for the fantasy they have paid the go-go dancer to concoct of herself ; the room contains a crowd of men united in desire and fear of possession of women who are separated from each other by bars .
9 The professor is typing his own letters for the time being .
10 A year later , and Nirvana will headline the 1992 Reading Festival , their staggering rise , post-Reading '91 , making them obvious contenders for the prestigious Sunday night slot .
11 That school , like many of its contemporaries , was essentially a ‘ professionalizing ’ school preparing its better students for the more dignified occupations , rather than for higher education ( a development that was not to be fully realized until after 1945 and the expansion of the universities ) .
12 When reviewing your own goals for the future , it might be useful to look at some of the positive aspects of nursing as a career , to see whether you still identify with them .
13 As Joe and Biddy became a little more cheerful , discussing my possible plans for the future , I became more miserable .
14 Hearing from that individual , to his great concern , of the impending calamity , Captain Cuttle , in his delicacy , sheered off again confounded ; merely handing in the nosegay as a small mark of his solicitude , and leaving his respectful compliments for the family in general , which he accompanied with an expression of his hope that they would lay their heads well to the wind under existing circumstances , and a friendly intimation that he would " look up again " tomorrow(2) .
15 You should be using your magical powers for the good of mankind . ’
16 And it could be that he will be battling his old team-mates for the big prize come the New Year .
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