Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun] for [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er we have n't used very much of it this year I mean I think er I mentioned a few weeks ago the , the question of trips out perhaps in the spring to do fish and that , we could consider er we do n't want to just go er accumulating money for the sake of it erm , we want to get some benefit out of the money we 've got .
2 I am accordingly asking all planning authorities concerned to give this matter further consideration , with a view to submitting proposals for the creation of clearly defined green belts , wherever this is appropriate .
3 And the motion by Councillor Jack Newell went further … also demanding protection for the families of murder victims .
4 The PLO itself published a communiqué in Tunis on June 8 attributing responsibility for the killing to the Israeli secret service , Mossad — a charge which was in turn dismissed by the Israeli authorities as not meriting a response .
5 In caves and hill-strongholds the legend has persisted of the Lost Prince , Igor Fedorovitch , said to have survived the assassination of his father ; and it is mainly among ‘ simple , pastoral folk ’ that the Forgers of the Sword have been slowly gathering support for the restoration of the rightful king , after his existence and identity have been discovered .
6 His general note was one of chiding MacDonald for the weakness of his control over his own extremists and suggesting that what the country needed was men of practical experience , breadth of view and lack of dogmatic commitment .
7 Although professing support for the retention of the pay formula , senior officers hoped industrial action could be avoided .
8 For Martin Brundle now , the desperate job of maintaining enthusiasm for the remainder of the world championships , while the desperate need of finding a new seat hangs over him .
9 Using data for a selection of metropolitan regions , the models will be tested for feasibility , accuracy and sensitivity .
10 the variance of the natural logarithm of the daily price relatives computed using data for a number of days , that is , ( Anderson , 1985 ; Barnhill , Jordan and Seale , 1987 ; Cornell , 1981 ; Kenyon , Kling , Jordan , Seale and McCabe , 1987 ; Milonas , 1986b ) ;
11 Figure 12.2 illustrates a Phillips relationship using data for the UK between 1953 and 1967 .
12 Phillips analysed the relationship between the annual rate of change of money wage rates ( or the rate of wage inflation ) and the annual average unemployment percentage , using data for the UK from 1861 to 1957 .
13 He was gathering data for a book about world metro systems , a task on which he had been engaged for years .
14 Dr Focos is currently Fulbright Fellow in Sweden , and is completing research for a book on Zorn .
15 Preparing good nourishing family meals was made even more difficult when in nineteen forty housewives were asked to contribute cooking utensils for the 'saucepans into Spitfire s' campaign .
16 Rimsky-Korsakov added an orchestral figure representing flames for the immolation of the Old Believers , and brought back the Preobazhensky March ; Shostakovich added to that a reminiscence of the Dawn music opening the opera ; and Stravinsky used the intended tune plus two more , giving the ending a much more positive and balanced view of the Old Believers as not regressive and obscurantist but charged with dignity and Christian endurance .
17 With a plan of gaining experience for a couple of years then broadening his horizons by moving overseas , Roy came to Craigforth for an interview .
18 Pantograph car 167 was first to leave Blackpool in 1962 , but is returning fully-restored for the Centenary in 1985 .
19 General Holomisa recently dealt himself into South Africa 's reform game by moving towards a loose alliance with the outlawed African National congress and by announcing plans for a referendum on the ‘ independent ’ homeland 's possible reincorporation into South Africa .
20 CHINA 'S political turmoil has had a ‘ traumatic ’ effect on Hong Kong , but in announcing plans for a Bill of Rights and expenditure of HK$127bn ( £10.1bn ) on a new international airport and port facilities , Sir David Wilson , the Governor , made a bold attempt yesterday to bolster the territory 's confidence .
21 At last December 's High Court hearing , Mr Maxwell , 36 , was held to have breached his duty as a director of BIM by signing forms for the transfer of five blocks of shares , worth about £580,000 , to Credit Suisse without obtaining an assurance the transfers had been approved by the BIM board .
22 These questions are often opening gambits for a negotiation of some sort , even if it 's just for interest and approval from one another .
23 In the meantime she 's been banned from keeping animals for the rest of her life .
24 Under s393(9) , excess charges on income arising in the final accounting period of a vendor company can be deducted as if they were trading losses for the purpose of carry-back or carry-across of losses , whereas charges on income can usually be deducted only in the accounting period in which they are paid ( though excess charges on income can be group relieved where the vendor is a member of a group of companies within s402 TA 1988 ) .
25 He then worked again with Whitworth , surveying lines for the Edinburgh to Glasgow canal .
26 No manufacturing assets were sold within the farm feed business as they were to provide the storage , grinding and blending capacity for the manufacture of pet foods .
27 Its dense growth provides nesting places for a range of bird life as well as warm cover in winter or roosting small birds .
28 He offered 150 separate cuts in spending from eliminating 100,000 government jobs and freezing salaries , to ending subsidies for the rearing of mohair goats and honey bees .
29 European Ryder Cup hopefuls Barry Lane , David Gilford and Steven Richardson considerably improved their chances of gaining selection for the match against the United States at The Belfry in September with top-six finishes in the Lancia Martini Italian Open at Modena .
30 Mr Byrne was involved with the Order 's cadet and badge ( the six to nine-year-olds ) sections in North Yorkshire before becoming Commissioner for the county of Cleveland 18 months ago .
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