Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun] [prep] a [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 This suggests that there may be a mismatch between the rationale for protecting respondents by a short time limit and the criteria used to decide whether or not Ord. 53 must be used by the applicant .
2 And although you 're right that they 've been selling flowers for a long time , they underwent a massive re-fit recently .
3 This is farmore likely to gain management approval because managers can see the expensive exercise paying dividends in a reasonable time scale .
4 The upward spiral on which film budgets were set suggests that Rank might have had to go on losing money for a long time before hitting on a way to achieve a steady supply of sellable films .
5 She writes that it was ‘ one of the best , but it did not suit John , as he was accustomed to follow his whims , and invent or discover for himself , and therefore did not like the regimentation of doing things at a given time .
6 Such a process has been taking place for a long time .
7 Ibrahim Bu Shanna , reaching maturity at a propitious time , had opportunities to achieve success in trade denied to his elder brother , who grew up during the war : the elder brother was a gardener , who lived subordinate in every way except the symbolic to Ibrahim , a successful wholesaler .
8 consignee not taking or accepting delivery within a reasonable time after the Consignment has been tendered .
9 consignee not taking or accepting delivery within a reasonable time
10 You see even when they tell the truth , if they 've been telling lies for a long time , even if they , when they tell the truth you do n't believe them
11 Other methods of stimulating volume might include controlling trading hours ( by concentrating liquidity in a particular time frame , as on the metal and cocoa rings ) or by lengthening the hours , to attract business from other time zones .
12 By contrast the larger class-D animals , living on grasslands where rainfall varies , are less selective and so long as they do not crop the grass too close many animals can cover the same foraging area in a short time .
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